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Seattle through the years
Since the landing on Alki Point in 1851, there have been gold rushes and labor strikes, business booms and busts, fires and earthquakes, and always, steady growth. A survey of the 150 year history of our city.
[12:00 a.m. Nov. 13, 2001] |
Madison memoirs
We travel the only street — Madison, built in 1864 — that goes directly from Lake Washington to Elliott Bay, pointing out its rich history and diverse present.
[12:00 a.m. Nov. 12, 2001] |
Driven by entrepreneurial zeal: Seattle's rise above Portland
Portland was on its way to being what historian Donald Meinig has called "the undisputed capital" of the Northwest. Yet today, it is Seattle that claims the title of undisputed capital of the Northwest.
[12:00 a.m. Nov. 11, 2001] |
Familiar landscape lured Scandinavians
They gazed west from their new homes and were reminded of the places they had left. Comforted by the familiar, they spread the word. By 1910, about one-third of Seattle's foreign-born residents hailed from Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Finland. They established a Nordic community in Ballard and defined a young city's ethnic identity Ñ a legacy that endures.
[12:00 a.m. Nov. 4, 2001] |
UW bell has historic ring for campus and city alike
A 400-pound, cast-iron bell that hung in the Denny Hall cupola at the University of Washington for more than 100 years enjoys a lofty place in Seattle history. The bell signaled the passing of ages, ringing to mark the assassinations of President Lincoln in 1865 and President Kennedy in 1963. Grounded the past five years, its future is uncertain.
[12:00 a.m. Oct. 18, 2001] |
MetropoLIST 150: The people who shaped Seattle
You gave the jurors hundreds of names and an impossible task: Whittle them down to the 150 most influential men and women in the 150-year history of Seattle and King County. Here is the list.
[12:00 a.m. Oct. 14, 2001] |
A city of values heeded, ignored
The Metropolis 150 exhibit is an insightful study of the dichotomies and tensions that have shaped the community ÷ uncomfortable though they may be.
[12:00 a.m. Oct. 1, 2001] |
City's 50 mayors range from leaders to losers
Since its founding 150 years ago this fall, Seattle has had 50 mayors. There have been two Mayor Smiths and two Mayor Millers, a Mayor Black and a Mayor Brown and a Mayor White, a Stone and a Wood, a Rice and a Weed and a Gill.
Mayors of Seattle [12:00 a.m. Sept. 16, 2001] |
Pinpoints, Plots, Plats and Panoramas
With unique perspectives, Seattle mapmakers charted the path of a city's progress. [12:00 a.m. Sept. 16, 2001] |
The misplaced pioneers
Generations of neglect have transformed an old pioneer cemetery into a pastoral snarl. For much of the past 100 years, trees, bushes and grasses have risen from the ground like wild spirits. [12:00 a.m. Sept. 1, 2001] |
Marquee attractions: Seattle's historic theaters
Big-name entertainers, sporting events, amateur talent-show performers they've all graced the stages of the city's historic theaters. From a cookhouse to "box houses" to Opera houses, Seattle's history of theaters is full of interesting characters.
[12:00 a.m. August 12, 2001] |
Descendants of the Terrys: A city father's kin turn up
Brothers Charles and Lee Terry came to Seattle from New York via Portland. Several descendants of Charles (but not Lee) Terry contacted us. Many of them are as entrenched in the Pacific Northwest as a flannel shirt. Lee Terry returned to New York six months after arriving at Alki, but Charles Terry stayed, even after fellow pioneers such as Arthur Denny had crossed Elliott Bay to develop a new port city called Seattle.
[12:00 a.m. July 30, 2001] |
Gritty 'Old Seattle's' last stand: the 1930s
Our tour of the Queen City's past pauses for a taste of life here during the Great Depression. Oral histories from
Bill Cummings,
Jesse Petrich,
Patsy Collins,
Tom Sandry. [12:00 a.m. July 29, 2001]
Walking tour with grave concerns
The Museum of History and Industry's (MOHAI's) Lake View Cemetery tour is one of the museum's popular summer walking tours with various themes. What started as a summer program now continues into September. [12:00 a.m. July 26, 2001]
At her four-day birthday celebration, Vi Hilbert gives the gifts stories of Puget Sound's first culture
Vi Hilbert's birthday party is a big deal every year. Hilbert is an Upper Skagit elder who has spent the bulk of her adult life researching, documenting and translating the ways and words of Lushootseed „ the culture and language of Puget Sound's indigenous people. [12:00 a.m. July 26, 2001]
Chief Seattle's desecrated grave is rededicated: 'This is a healing for our people'
Named Princess Angeline by early settlers, Chief Seattle's eldest daughter was, for many years, the visible link connecting Natives and newcomers. Now, for the first time in almost 100 years, two works depicting the woman who was called Kick-is-om-lo in her Lushootseed tongue are on display at the Museum of History and Industry. [12:00 a.m. July 15, 2001]
Portraits of a Princess: Iconic images of Chief Seattle's eldest daughter on display
Named Princess Angeline by early settlers, Chief Seattle's eldest daughter was, for many years, the visible link connecting Natives and newcomers. Now, for the first time in almost 100 years, two works depicting the woman who was called Kick-is-om-lo in her Lushootseed tongue are on display at the Museum of History and Industry. [12:00 a.m. July 13, 2001]
Getting a read on Seattle
Does Seattle have its own literature? As the city prepares to celebrate its 150th birthday, what belongs on its reading list? Whatever happened to The Great Seattle Novel? A subjective list of essential Seattle reading. [12:00 a.m. July 1, 2001]
Web site is indispensable link to Seattle-area history
HistoryLink is to local history what eBay is to online auctions. With 700 or more computer visitors per day and 12.5 million "hits" in its brief, three-year existence, this burgeoning site has made itself an indispensable resource to users ranging from seventh-grade essayists to Ph.D. candidates and, yes, more than the occasional Northwest journalist. [12:00 a.m. July 1, 2001]
Chief Seattle's tribe clings to its identity
To the Duwamish, the indigenous people of what is now Seattle and King County, this place was an ideal site for winter longhouses and summer camps, salmon weirs and canoe landings. To the newcomers, the place lent itself to a new town, with gridded streets, a mill, deep-water anchorage and, eventually, steel mills and boat docks, concrete plants and sports stadiums. [12:00 a.m. June 18, 2001]
Denny Party progeny live quietly among us
Descendants of the five families who settled Seattle a century-and-a-half ago live in relative obscurity. There is no exclusive club where they regularly gather to sip tea, no central repository that documents their every move. [12:00 a.m. June 17, 2001]
A culture slips away
On Nov. 13, 1851, five pioneer families now known as the Denny Party put ashore at Alki Beach, putting in motion events that led to a modern Northwest culture and virtually destroyed an indigenous one. [12:00 a.m. May 27, 2001]