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A special report by Hal Bernton, Mike Carter, David Heath and James Neff · June 23 - July 7, 2002

Ahmed Ressam
Madeleine Albright The terrorist
George Tenet
George Tenet CIA director was concerned about millennium attacks
Madeleine Albright
Madeleine Albright Secretary of state gave assurances about the home front

Belkacem Ressam
A war hero who hoped his son would go to college
Michael Sheehan
Michael SheehanChief of counterterrorism demanded bin Laden be turned over
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin LadenHis al-Qaida was plotting attacks for New Year's Eve

Abu Zubaydah
Abu ZubaydahAt 25, Osama bin Laden's director of operations
Real Genest
Spotted Ressam's fake passport
Denis Buron
Immigration lawyer is stood up by Ressam.

Fateh Kamel
Name in the electronic organizer of a French terrorist; Ressam's friend and mentor
Jean-Louis Bruguière
BruguièreThe world's most prominent terrorism investigator
Philippe Tete
Department-store detective spotted shoplifting routine

Abderraouf Hannachi
Recruiter for al-Qaida camps
Jim Corcoran
Canadian intelligence official
Abu Doha
Ringleader for the Algerian cells

David Gendron
This Mountie didn't get his man
Mourad Ikhlef
His bombing of Algiers airport was a blueprint
Samir Ait Mohamed
Samir MohamedProposed detonating gasoline truck in Jewish neighborhood

Mokhtar Haouari
Would provide money for bombing plot
Abdelmajid Dahoumane
Abdelmajid DahoumaneWould help Ressam build the bomb
Abdelghani Meskini
Was to help carry out the plot; waited in Seattle for Ressam

Diana Dean
Customs inspector found something wrong with the Canadian getting off the ferry
Mark Johnson
Inspector discovered processing Ahmed Ressam was anything but routine
Fred Humphries
Fred HumphriesRecognized suspect's French as Algerian

Patrick Gahan
Called for help from Port Angeles
Kate Pflaumer
U.S. attorney went to Paris for "Terrorism 101"
John O'Neill
Put the young American and the wily Frenchman together

Jo Ann Oliver
Federal public defender tried to minimize role of Ahmed Ressam in terrorist cell
John Coughenour
Judge decided whether to allow terrorist-tracker's testimony
Zacarias Moussaoui
Alarmed flight instructors with questions about how to steer but not land a jetliner

Enrique Ghimenti
The Paris-based FBI agent was investigating a U.S. flight-school student

Chapter 1: Past as Prologue
Chapter 2: The Fountainhead
Chapter 3: Leaving Home
Chapter 4: Sneaking In
Chapter 5: The Terrorist Tracker
Chapter 6: It Takes a Thief
Chapter 7: Joining Jihad
Chapter 8: Going to Camp
Chapter 9: 'A Bunch of Guys'
Chapter 10: The Mission
Chapter 11: The Ticking Bomb
Chapter 12: The Crossing
Chapter 13: On the Case
Chapter 14: The Warning
Chapter 15: Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 16: The Reckoning
Chapter 17: Nine-Eleven

See About this series for source list, credits and reprints.

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Two Peoples, One Land

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