Sunday, March 19, 2000
The implosion: pushing the button
The implosion will take place in two phases, collapsing the Dome in six sections.
Explosives in three sections will be detonated, followed several seconds later
by detonations in the remaining three sections. Detonation will begin when an
electric pulse is sent through two wires encircling the Dome, setting off six
electric charges. The charges will ignite the network of orange detonation cords
that will burn up instantaneously in a bright flash lighting the fuses to the
explosives. Timed groups of explosives will then go off at different intervals.
Phase one
A sequence of small explosions in the first three sections will fracture the
concrete in the ribs, columns and supporting tension ring. The flexible
rebar that runs through
the concrete will remain intact. As the heavy concrete roof drops, the rebar
will act like ropes pulling the columns down and toward the center.

Phase two
As the first sections fall, the next three sections will be detonated and
collapse, bringing the center compression ring down with them.
Gravity takes over
The entire procedure will take nearly 20 seconds, with about 12 seconds of
actual explosion time. The structure will have collapsed inward, with the
pile of debris at the center as high as 25 feet and the perimeter debris,
including columns, as high as 60 feet.
After the implosion
Three work crews will clear the remaining pile of rubble. Large pieces of material will be broken down further and the top of the pile will be brought to grade level. Steel reinforcements will be separated from the heap for recycling. Foundations that conflict with new construction will be removed.
Of the initial 130,000 tons of material that made up the Dome, 80,000 tons were recycled onsite or hauled away before the implosion. Of the remaining 50,000 tons, most of which will be concrete, 35 percent will be used onsite as backfill for the new stadium. The rest will be sold as recyclable material.
Graphics and text: Phil Loubere; Reporting and text: Whitney Stensrud; Reporting: Jeff Hodson / © 2000 The Seattle Times