Editor's note: Reporter Hal Bernton and photographer Thomas James Hurst are spending a month in Iraq, reporting on the U.S. military campaign as well as the lives of Iraqi civilians. Today's photos are from an air base north of Baghdad. |
Grim struggle to save lives inside ragged Baghdad ER "We need more of everything," says one doctor. "But the most important thing we need here is humanity."
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Tension tests Stryker troops Amid shadowy, hit-and-run combat of Iraq, split-second decisions by individual soldiers matter as much as Fort Lewis brigade's technology.

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Engineers' mission: detect and disarm The explosion comes at midmorning, a dull boom that reverberates through the fog that hangs over this small U.S. Army base.

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On patrol in Ad Dujayl — A day with Washington State National Guard's Bravo Company 14th Engineer Battalion in the town of Ad Dujal.

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BALAD, Iraq — Rushing across central Iraq in a low-flying Chinook helicopter, Sgt. Rachel Green perches at the edge of an open tail ramp, a finger near the trigger of her M-60 machine gun. ...

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BALAD, Iraq — As the sun rose like a bright red orb over the concrete bunkers of this vanquished Iraqi air base, Maj. Grant Haugen strode to the end of a vast runway speckled with U.S. Army Chinook helicopters. ...

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