The U.S. health system is ill-equipped to manage the fallout from a
large-scale bioterrorist attack. But the threats are clear. Learn about our
level of preparedness, plus the facts about anthrax, smallpox, botulism, plague,
tularemia, nerve agents and mustard agents.
· An
invisible arsenal: Biological and chemical terrorism [60K PDF]
· What you can do to prepare [650K PDF]
· Q & A on anthrax
· Ask the doctor: UW's Dr. Henry Rosen answers readers' questions
Bioterrorism a real threat; are we ready?
· Local companies sniffing out threats from unseen enemy
· July 26, 2001: U.S.
rejects plan to curb germ warfare
· The CDC's site on anthrax
Who is Osama Bin Laden?
He is an engineer who was born into a wealthy Saudi family. He once received
money from the CIA. Now he calls his followers to a holy war against the United
States. Find out more.
The U.S. government charges that Osama bin Laden heads an international
terrorist network called "al-Qaida," an Arabic word meaning "the
base." It is thought to be composed of cells operating in 35 countries but
is an amorphous entity.
Laden's lieutenants
strength and structure
where al-Qaida is believed to operate
groups |
acts |
The vision of a holy war, or jihad, excludes any possibility of compromise.
In contrast with Palestinian extremists in the 1970s and '80s, the goal now is
not to negotiate with the West, but to destroy it. Why?
Learn more about known groups and their tactics.
The U.S. has been relatively sheltered from acts of terrorism. These maps and
charts detail where and how many.
Related links