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Coffee City

Melissa Allison follows the world's biggest coffee-shop chain and other Seattle caffeine purveyors.

December 10, 2010 at 5:05 PM

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Last blog post from Coffee City: Author of coffee history book to read at Starbucks Olive Way

Posted by Melissa Allison

Mark Pendergrast, who recently updated his seminal book on coffee history, "Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World," will speak at Starbucks' newly remodeled 1600 Olive Way store on Tuesday, Dec.14, at 7 p.m.

And that's the last bit of news from Coffee City. Reporting for the blog has taught me more about coffee and Seattle's coffee community than I ever would have learned without it, but it's time to refocus my efforts on writing for the newspaper. Thank you to all of Coffee City's sources, readers and commenters for making the blog fun and informative.

There are a host of other sources for coffee information, among them,,,, Oliver Strand at The New York Times, longtime West Coast coffee purveyor Jerry Baldwin's posts at The Atlantic, longtime East Coast coffee purveyor George Howell's blog, London barista and coffee purveyor James Hoffmann's blog, and a bunch more on the blogroll at, a site run by a few Seattle baristas who post irregularly.

Never forget the wise words (according to the interwebs) of founder Jeff Bezos: "In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running."

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