Coffee City
Melissa Allison follows the world's biggest coffee-shop chain and other Seattle caffeine purveyors.
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Forza Coffee to open by Space Needle at 8:14 a.m. Saturday to honor police officers killed at its Parkland store
Posted by Melissa Allison
Tomorrow at precisely 8:14 a.m., Forza Coffee will open its first Seattle shop at 100 Fourth Avenue, near the Space Needle.
The opening time is in memory of four police officers killed in shootings at its Lakewood Parkland location in November. That store reopened at 8:14 a.m. two weeks later with a shop full of policemen and women (photo by Seattle Times photographer Ellen M. Banner).
Members of the Seattle Police Department will be the first customers at the Seattle shop, founder and CEO Brad Carpenter said in a release.
Excitement about the new store is "only tempered by the horror of 2009, with the losses of Officers Brenton, Griswold, Owens, Richards, Sergeant Renninger and Deputy Mundell. Our company in being tied to the Lakewood incident has chosen to honor their sacrifices, each Forza having a plaque bearing the fallen six officers names and a Lakewood memorial 'challenge coin' is imbedded in our bar." (Two of the officers were killed in separate shootings last year.)
Forza has 23 locations, with plans to open this spring in the Merrill Gardens complex near University Village. A liquor store opened at that Merrill Gardens location today, the first in the retirement community chain to include non-seniors and the only senior living complex in the state with a liquor store tenant.
Update 3/1/2010: Thanks to the reader wrote to say the shootings actually happened in Parkland. Forza lists that store as Lakewood.
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