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![]() Nominees Want to see who was nominated as the most influential people in Seattle and King County's first 150 years? Check the list below. There are about 600 names, submitted either individually or in groups. That's how they are presented here, roughly in the order in which they were received. Many of the descriptions are provided by the people who did the nominating Seattle Times readers, visitors to the Museum of History & Industry and the jurors who selected the final list of 150. In some cases, specific dates were included, in others, no such information was provided. The names of readers who submitted nominees directly to The Times are included (here). RALPH ANDERSON: Architect who initiated the restoration of Pioneer Square, saving buildings and converting to other uses. OLE BARDAHL: Proprietor of Bardahl, the Ballard-based engine additive company known for their race-winning hydroplane (the Miss Bardahl) and their giant neon sign. BOB BLACKBURN: Longtime voice of the Seattle Supersonics, from their first season in 1967 until the early 1990s. WALTER CARR: Founder of Elliott Bay Book Company, which helped foster Seattle's modern literary culture. HORACE CAYTON AND SUSIE CAYTON: Horace was the publisher and editor of the Seattle Republican, a leading paper as well as a voice for the African American community. His wife Susie became a leader of the radical labor and civil rights movements. LLOYD COONEY: Former KIRO TV station manager and editorial commentator. COOPER AND LEVY: Major Gold Rush era outfitters who spurred Seattle boosters into promoting the city as a point of departure for the gold fields CAMERON CROWE: Filmmaker whose late 1980s and early '90s films ("Say Anything" and "Singles") promoted Seattle's then-burgeoning music scene and youth lifestyle. JACK ENDINO: Recording engineer/producer who made early studio recordings of Nirvana, Soundgarden, U-Men and other proto-grunge acts. TIM EYMAN: Mukilteo resident behind the successful anti-tax Initiative 695 and other measures that have limited government scope. DICK FALKENBERRY: Civic activist whose successful advisory ballot measure has given new life to the Monorail. GREG FALLS: Founder of Seattle's ACT (A Contemporary Theatre). LINDA FARRIS: Longtime Seattle gallery owner. RANDY FINLEY: Founder of Seven Gables Theatre chain, which, along with the Seattle International Film Festival, fostered and bolstered Seattle's appetite for fine cinema. JEAN GODDEN: Longtime columnist for The Seattle Times and Seattle P-I . GEORGE JACKSON BRIGADE: Radical group who detonated bombs around the region in the 1970s to call attention to causes ranging from the rights of farmworkers, to the rights of Native Americans and utility workers. Named for a member of the Black Panthers. THOMAS JEFFERSON: President whose Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition (Discovery Corps) made Western settlement possible. TEX JOHNSTON: Boeing test pilot whose barrel roll over the Gold Cup hydroplane course in Lake Washington in the new Dash-80 ushered in the jet age. The airplane orders came rolling in and travel was changed forever. GRETCHEN JOHNSTON: Founder and former longtime director of the Seattle Fringe Theatre Festival, where many Seattle actors, directors and playwrights cut their teeth. RICK "PEANUT MAN" KAMINSKI: Famous for throwing bags of peanuts to his customers at pro sports events in Seattle, along with a tennis ball sliced open enough for the patron to place his money inside for the return toss. JIM KELLER: Program director of KJET, early 80s Seattle AM radio station that was the first commercial station to play many Northwest bands that would later go on to national fame. JOHN KEISTER: The quintessential bittersweet Seattleite who remembers how it used to be before so many people moved here, Keister used his position as host of KING TV's Almost Live! weekly comedy program to poke fun at Kent, Bellevue, Ballard and other Seattle suburbs and neighborhoods. PAUL HAYDEN KIRK: The leading proponent of the Northwest style of modern architecture, noted for its use of native materials, its gabled forms, and its expansive windows GREG KUCERA: Longtime Seattle gallery owner. LEWIS AND CLARK: U.S. government explorers who pioneered the overland route to the Pacific Northwest. DARRYL MACDONALD: Co-founder of Seattle International Film Festival and purveyor of Seattle's now firmly established reputation as a city of cinematic connoisseurs. R. D. MERRILL: A leading lumberman of the 19th and 20th centuries, whose holdings made his company one of the largest Northwest timber firms. SIR MIX-A-LOT: Seattle's first national rap star (also known as Anthony Ray), who hit it big with his "Posse on Broadway" single. Known also for his good-humored lyrics. LACEY V. MURROW: Early director of Washington State Department of Transportation for whom original Mercer Island floating bridge is named (also brother of CBS' Edward R. Murrow). GIFFORD PINCHOT: First chief of the U.S. Forest Service. GEORGE POCOCK: Designer and builder of racing shells, including those used by 1936 gold medal U.S. Olympic Team. Also designed hull of Boeing's first commercial plane. JAMES K. POLK: President elected on "54-40 or Fight" platform, which lead to American claims to Oregon country. DUDLEY PRATT: Local sculptor known for many works on the UW campus. DIXY LEE RAY: Washington's first female governor, the idiosyncratic Governor Ray was at the helm when Mt. St. Helens erupted. LARRY REID: Founder or early director of COCA (Center on Contemporary Art). PAT ROBERTSON: Conservative Republican candidate for president who captured Washington's 1988 presidential caucus. VICTOR ROSELLINI: Cousin of former governor Albert Rosellini and creator of Rosellini's 410 and Rosellini's Other Place, popular Seattle restaurants. "BILL THE BEERMAN" SCOTT: Kingdome concession employee who sold beer during games and became the defacto Yell King for the Mariners, Sonics, Sounders and Seahawks (when all played under the same concrete roof). TAGISH CHARLIE AND SKOOKUM JIM: Found gold on Rabbit Creek in the Yukon precipitating the rush that changed Seattle's destiny. HARRY TRUMAN: Reclusive Spirit Lake resident who captured the public's imagination and became a national media darling for refusing to leave his home near Mount St. Helens. Assumed to have perished in the blast. CONRAD UNO: Egg Studios owner/producer who recorded and/or released records by up and coming Seattle acts in the 1980s and 1990s, including the Young Fresh Fellows, Posies and Presidents of the United States of America. BURKE WALKER: Founder of Empty Space Theatre. RICHARD WHITE: Co-founder of Foster/White Gallery and early progenitor of Seattle gallery scene. LENNY WILKENS: Popular player and later coach of the Seattle Supersonics when they won the 1979 NBA title, sparking a celebration in Seattle not seen since the end of World War II RUFUS WOODS: Wenatchee newspaper publisher, who with Billy Clapp convinced FDR that the big dam should be built at the Grand Coulee instead of Spokane Falls. CAPT. WYKCOFF: Whose study to make Puget Sound part of the strategic defense system of Americas west coast resulted in construction of the Puget Sound Shipyard at Bremerton. BILL YEEND: Longtime host of KIRO radio's top-rated morning news program. BILL NYE: Seattle star (and former "Almost Live!" character) on PBS' "Bill Nye The Science Guy" television program, seen by millions of kids nationwide. ELLSWORTH STOREY: Seattle architect of distinctive craftsman-style homes. SLADE GORTON: Former U.S. senator and state attorney general.. PETER CANLIS: Restaurateur who defined fine dining in postwar Seattle. TOM DOUGLAS: Owner/chef of Cafe Sport, Dahlia Lounge, Etta's Seafood and Palace Kitchen put Seattle on the 1980s and 1990s culinary map with "Pacific Rim Cuisine." RAY LICHTENBERGER: Founder of Ray's Boathouse, boat rental and fish and chips restaurant that grew into an icon of Seattle dining under the leadership of Russ Wohlers, Earl Lasher and Duke Moscrip (who bought the business in 1973). RUBEN SIERRA: Founder of the "multicultural-before-its-time" Group Theatre. LUTHER BURBANK: California botanist who hybridized Himalayan blackberries, prized for pies and jam that are now seen growing in open spaces all over the Northwest. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT: President who enacted New Deal programs to build hydroelectric powerplants and make WPA improvements to public land (and employ out-of-work artists to write, paint and sculpt). President during expansion of wartime industry in Seattle. BOB WALSH: Seattle entrepreneur behind the Goodwill Games (1990) and attempts to bring the Olympic Games to Seattle. CHARLES WILKES: U.S. Navy explorer who named many geographic features in 1841. Made first survey of the Northwest. CAPT. HENRY KELLETT: Member of British Admiralty who formalized (on printed charts) names of many Pacific Northwest geographic features earlier bestowed by Charles Wilkes and Spanish explorers. ASAHEL CURTIS: Leading photographer and booster of the history and development of the Pacific Northwest. EDWARD CURTIS: Prolific photographer of Native Americans in the western United States, including Washington. SAM SCHULMAN: First owner of Seattle's first major league sports franchise, the Seattle SuperSonics. CARLOS BULOSAN: Filipino-American immigrant, whose powerful 1946 autobiographical novel, "America is in the Heart," captured the spirit of the migrant cannery and farm workers of this region. Many scenes are set in Seattle's Chinatown. CHIN GEE HEE: legendary Chinese labor contractor worked with J.J. Hill and other prominent railroad builders. He later returned to China to build the first railroad there. CHIN HOCK: The first Chinese settler in Seattle, arriving in 1860. He established the Wa Chong Co., one of the most prominent early businesses in Seattle. DOROTHY AND FRED CORDOVA: Founders of the Filipino Youth Activities, pioneers in the documentation of Asian American history and use of oral history as a tool in those efforts. VAL LAIGO: One of the most noted Filipino American artists in the United States. His murals (he has one at Boeing, Seattle University and the Jose Rizal Park) are established Seattle landmarks. PAUL HORIUCHI: One of the most talented Northwest artists. His painting style using collages, calligraphy and mulberry paper influenced major artists like Tobey. WILLARD JUE: Prominent Chinese-American historian, herbalist, founding member of Association of King County Historical Organizations and BRUCE LEE: Attended the University of Washington and had a dojo in Seattle's Chinatown. His pioneering martial arts movies had much to do with reshaping images of Asian Americans and help create a new genre of action movies. KEYE LUKE: Seattle native who made it big in Hollywood, making over 100 films, including roles as Detective Charlie Chan's "Number one son" and Master Po in the Kung Fu series. JOHN OKADA: Author of "No-No Boy," the classic 1957 novel set in Seattle's International District following the internment of Japanese Americans. This book is required reading for Asian American studies classes. BOB SANTOS: Under his leadership as Director of the International District Improvement Association in the 1970s and 80s, the Chinatown-International District was revitalized with new low-income housing and social services for the Asian American community. TAKUJI YAMASHITA: A Japanese-American pioneer and 1902 graduate of the University of Washington law school who was denied the right to practice law. He was honored posthumously this year. ALEXANDER JAY ANDERSON: President of the University of Washington from 1877 to 1882. Along with his wife, Louisa Maria Phelps Anderson, he designed and implemented an ambitious curriculum, hired enthusiastic educators, secured lasting funding, established an enrollment open to women on an equal basis with men and set and enforced a high standard of discipline and academic excellence that are his lasting legacy to this day. Anderson also strengthened the University's relationship with the city by bringing the city's library to the campus. M.A. ARNOLD: Put together the combination that became the statewide Seattle First National Bank. FRANCIS ARANYI: Founder of the Seattle Youth Symphony MAYNARD ARSOVE: Led the successful fight in the 1960s against the R.H. Thomson Expressway, which would have run a freeway through the heart of the Arboretum. His efforts inspired others who have worked to preserve their neighborhoods. The longtime Montlake resident, retired UW math professor and friend of the late Victor Steinbrueck also has been a leader in the effort to keep the 520 Bridge from being widened, much to the chagrin of commuters. ELIZABETH AYER: Outstanding architect and first woman graduate of the UW school of architecture. FREDERICK E. BAKER: Baker was an early leader of the "New Order of Cincinnatus," the movement organized in 1933 to remedy "the sad state of local politics." His role in the 1936 elections of Arthur B. Langlie as mayor, and David Lockwood as councilman led to Baker's selection in 1940 to rescue the faltering gubernatorial campaign of Art Langlie. Langlie's come-from-behind election victory over Gov. C.C. Dill (by fewer than 2,000 votes) caught the attention of presidential candidate Wendell L. Willkie's aides, which led to Baker's next political involvement, as Willkie's Western chairman. Office holders who called on Baker to serve as either campaign chair, finance chair or strategist included Seattle mayors William Devin, Gordon Clinton and Dorm Braman; City Council members David Levine, Bobby Harlan, Mike Mitchell, Charlie "Streetcar" Carroll and Al Rochester; Congressmen Thomas Pelly, Jack Westland and Thor Tollefson, and Governors Dan Evans and Art Langlie. Baker died in 1989 at the age of 81. JOEL PATTON BARRON: An Iowa farm boy, he became a Seattle businessman who was president and CEO of Prudential Savings and Loan Association and in 1940 bought the Inglewood Country Club. The Barron family helped develop it into one of the top member-owned golf courses in the nation. LYNDA BARRY: South Seattle native and acclaimed cartoonist and author. Her novel Cruddy was set in a fictionalized Rainier Valley. BISHOP STEPHEN BAYNE: Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Olympia and community leader who work for tolerance and understanding, 1952 through 1960s. STEPHEN J. "JESSE" BERNSTEIN (1945-1991): Poet and short-story writer of urban decay and dystopian fantasy. GEORGE BRAIN: Superintendent who shaped Bellevue schools into leading educational system, 1940s-1950s. FRED BROWN: The former Sonic star, who help lead them to their only title in 1979, influenced a generation of ballplayers locally and nationally through his long-distance gunning which inspired the term "From downtown " now heard in broadcasts everywhere, but is as Seattle and omnipresent as "Skid Road" because downtown was quite a distance from where the Sonics played. PHILIP BURTON: He was an African-American attorney and civil-rights advocate who filed the lawsuit against the Seattle School Board and prompted the board to begin desegregation of the city's schools JAMES C. BUTTAIN: He arrived in Seattle in 1868 and at one time owned seven vessels, the largest fleet on the Sound. His ships carried cargo and mail all around this area. DYAN CANNON: West Seattle native who became a movie sex symbol at age 32. RAY CHARLES: R&B legend whose career started in Seattle's old Jackson Street jazz scene. CHARLES CONOVER: Journalist/historian in the period 1915-35; kept of generation of Seattle newspaper readers interested in local history PARKER COOK: The legendary and longtime Garfield High music director nurtured an environment at the school that help create some of the greatest musicians of our time Grammy Award-winner Quincy Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Ernestine Anderson and Robert "Bumps" Blackwell. Jones has won Grammy Awards, Hendrix was considered on the greatest and most innovative rock guitarists of all time, Anderson has been for years one of the top jazz singers in the nation and Blackwell produced Little Richard's earliest hits, which were a direct influence on the Beatles. PROFESSOR LOREN DONALDSON: UW School of Fisheries pioneer in study of salmon/trout. MARY DENNY AND JOHN DENNY: For their courage in crossing the plains and in starting the city, and in both cases, for founding the University of Washington H.E. DICKERMAN: H.E. Dickerman was the principal of Edison Technical School, which later became Seattle Community College. He ran the college in the beginning years. C. CAREY DONWORTH: Civic leader who chaired the Municipal League committee that first explored regional governance in King County, and later served as first chair of the Metropolitan Municipality of Seattle (METRO). PAUL DORPAT: Local historian, journalist, videographer; recipient of the Pacific Northwest Historical Guild Lifetime achievement award. J.F. DOUGLAS: Metropolitan Building Company who made the Metropolitan Tract the largest private endowment for the University of Washington W.T. EDMUNDSON: Limnologist who studied Lake Washington and assembled data that led to design of Metro system and clean up of the lake. CLAIRE EGTVEDT: Led William Boeing's United Aircraft and Transport aviation conglomerate after its founding in 1929, and following its dissolution reorganized Boeing Airplane Company in 1934. FRANCES FARMER: West Seattle-born actress with an ill-fated Hollywood career. LADY WILLIE FORBUS: Believed to be the first woman lawyer in Seattle. MARIANNE FORSBLAAD: Founder and leader of Nordic Heritage Museum. THOMAS B. FOSTER: Prominent attorney and community leader who established Foster Pepper & Shefelman law firm and who played instrumental role in building the Space Needle, Monorail, and Bank of California Building. JOHN FOX: Housing advocate for the poor and the homeless in Seattle. JIM FRENCH: KING and KIRO radio personality. ROBERT HARDWICK: One of the biggest names in Seattle radio history. He worked at KVI-AM for 21 years and did stints at several other stations. He had a flair for the dramatic. In 1965 he championed a tugboat trip to British Columbia to bring Namu, an orca whale, to the Seattle Aquarium. In 1976 he jet-skied from Ketchikan to Seattle. In 1980 he swam from Seattle to Bremerton for charity. KENNY G: Franklin High graduate and sax player Kenny Gorlick went from being a local R&B star to one of the top-selling musicians in the world MARY GATES: Civic activist, philanthropist, national board of United Way, UW regent and mother of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. RICHARD GILKEY: Outstanding Northwest painter, influenced first by Morris Graves, but soon achieved his own recognizable and much-lauded style. Represented in all major collections in Seattle, won may major prizes, including one from Japan. LARRY GOSSETT: King County councilman, former Black Panther and head of the Central Area Motivation Program. MORRIS GRAVES: Changed the course of Northwest painting GERALD GRINSTEIN: U.S. Sen. Warren Magnuson's chief of staff who eventually headed Burlington Northern and served as Chairman of Delta Airlines ED GUTHMAN: Seattle Star and Seattle Times reporter; recipient of Pulitzer Prize 1950 for the Seattle Times for his series of stories clearing UW Philosophy professor Melvin Rader of charges by the Canwell Committee. LOU GUZZO: Retired executive editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and a former arts-and-entertainment editor for The Seattle Times. He served as chief policy counselor to Gov. Dixy Lee Ray and was a commentator for KIRO television and radio. FRANK HANAWALT: One of the most widely respected principals in the history of the Seattle School District, he helped guide Garfield and Franklin high schools through some of their toughest days. The friendly, courageous Hanawalt spoke of civil rights like John F. Kennedy and looked a bit like U.S. space hero John Glenn. He now is the head of the Saul Haas Foundation, which helps needy students throughout the state. JOHN HAUBERG: Naturalist and tree growing expert. Northwest Indian art collector and patron of the arts. HORACE C. HENRY: Major rail entrepreneur who built Northern Pacific lines in and around Seattle, developed real estate, and made major philanthropic gifts, including helping establish Henry Art Gallery and Henry Branch of Seattle Public Library. FRED HERMAN: Bellevue city planner and author of the community plan still in effect. BILL HOLM: Artist-teacher who decoded the symbolic language of Northwest Coast Indians WALTER HUNDLEY: Civil-rights leader and director of Seattle's successful Model Cities Program. He also served as Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, where he introduced the planting of flowers in many of the city's parks and upgraded many of the facilities. CHET HUNTLEY: University of Washington graduate and pioneering network TV news anchorman. DR. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON: Established the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, named after his brother, the late Fred Hutchinson. CAROL JAMES: Community volunteer and civic leader who led campaign for Bellevue central park and for expansion of Land Conservancy JOSEPH JAMES: Recently the National Geographic television show found its way to Seattle to study Sylvester the Mummy, who makes his home at "Ye Ole Curiosity Shop," a century-old Seattle landmark. If it were not for Joseph James (and his grandfather) the shop would not be around. Even at suggestions from well-meaning friends, that he should charge for entrance, Joe chooses to keep the pleasures of the "curious" open to all. GEORGE KINNEAR: First came to Seattle from Illinois in 1874. He bought extensive property on Queen Anne and elsewhere in Seattle. In 1904, he and his wife donated Franklin Playground in Lower Queen Anne and Kinnear Park to the City. PHYLLIS LAMPHERE: Civic leader, City Council reformer. NORVAL H. LATIMER: In 1882 he accompanied his father, William G. Latimer, to Seattle at age 19. After the Seattle Fire in 1889 he built the Squire-Latimer Building with Watson Squire. It is now the Grand Central in Pioneer Square. He was active in the rebuilding of Seattle serving as president of the Wauconda Investment Co., Seattle Clearing House Association, president of Washington State Bankers Association, president of Snoqualmie Falls Power Company and the Diamond Ice Co. and a member of many clubs. As commodore of the Yacht Club he supervised the building of the present Seattle Yacht Club clubhouse in 1918 and 1919. He also planned and supervised the construction of the Dexter Horton Building for the bank. His wife Margaret Moore Latimer was also a civic leader. WILLIAM G. LATIMER: He rode a horse west on the Oregon Trail in 1852 at the age of 20, coming to Seattle with his aunt, Mrs. John Denny. He stayed in Seattle for two years and built a boarding house, later known as "Bachelor's Hall". This building was used as the first church and also the first school. In 1854 he returned to Illinois where her married, served in the Civil War, and his children were born. In 1882 the whole family moved to Seattle and he became a prominent realtor. In 1887 he was elected treasurer of King County serving until 1890. MARY KAY LETOURNEAU: Middle-school teacher who bore two children by a student. JAMES D. LOWMAN (1856-1947): James D. Lowman landed at Yesler's wharf in 1877 when he was 21 years old. He came at the invitation of his cousin, Henry Yesler, mayor of Seattle. In only nine years, James Lowman went from a dock's assistant master to businessman. He opened Lowman and Hanford, a stationery and printing firm, owned banks, buildings, hotels and electric trolleys. James was the first president of the Seattle Theatre, helped found the Seattle Golf Club and was a charter member of the Seattle Tennis Club. He was also president of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce from 1909 to 1911 and was honored with a life membership in 1947 at age 91. He lived in his First Hill home for 66 years and bequeathed his mansion and property to the Seattle Swedish Hospital. On this property, there now stands the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Swedish Nursing Facility. MIKE LUKOVICH: Former Seattle resident and University of Washington Daily staffer has gone on to win a Pulitzer Prize as a newspaper editorial cartoonist in Atlanta. GUNNAR AND MARIE LUND: Publisher of Washington Posten and founders of the Norse Home. Major leaders of the Norwegian Community FRANK MCLAUGHLIN: Puget Power CEO from 1930s to 1960, established company headquarters in Bellevue, and led company though the public-private power debates. LORENZO MILAM: Founder of KRAB radio in 1962. KRAB was among the earliest community radio stations in the country. More importantly, it was one of the voices and centers of the counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s. CHARLES MITCHELL: President of Seattle Central Community College, recently named by Time magazine as one of the best in the nation. Mitchell is a Seattle native and former football star at Garfield and the University of Washington CHARLES MORGAN: Eastside business and civic leader widely hailed as the Father of Kirkland FUJIMATSU AND TOMIO MORIGUCHI: Fujimatsu Moriguchi founded Uwajimaya, the largest Asian retail business in the Northwest, in 1970, and his son led its expansion and played a leading role in civic affairs and development of International District. PATTY MURRAY: Washington's first woman U.S. senator and author of Family Leave Act ROBERT O'BRIEN: Retired president and chairman of Paccar and major figure in large regional companies serving on boards of Microsoft, Puget Power, and Pacific Northwest Bell JIM OWENS: Former UW football coach. Took team to three Rose Bowls in the 1960s. ANCIL PAYNE: President of KING Broadcasting, Chairman, NBC Affiliates PENNY PEABODY: Former Chair of Metro Council, former Director of Seattle-King County Economic Development Council. LOU PINIELLA: Seattle Mariners manager who has made them one of the top teams in baseball every year. MRS. F. F. POWELL: Former member of the City Council, leader in education and social services. JOEL PRITCHARD: Served 32 years as legislator, congressman, United Nations delegate, lieutenant governor and president of the state Senate. He also was a businessman, television commentator and inventor of the lawn game Pickleball. MELVIN RADER: University of Washington philosophy professor who was charged as a communist by the Canwell Committee. He was later cleared of all charges. JUDY RUNSTAD: A partner in Foster Pepper & Shefelman, a downtown law firm, Runstad helped to write the state's Growth Management Act, was president of the Downtown Seattle Association, and is a current or past member of business and civic boards, including the Kingdome Stadium Task Force, Safeco Corp., Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Alki Foundation and the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority. MABEL SEAGREAVE: First woman doctor, was at the front in World War I. JOSEPH SCAYLEA: Professional photographer and journalist whose photographs of the Pacific Northwest are unique in their documentary value and their beauty. FLOYD SCHMOE (1901-2001): Seattle Quaker leader, mountaineer, and tireless peace activist. BELDING SCRIBNER: UW doctor who designed, along with Wayne Quinton and David Dillard, a way for kidney patients to be repeatedly hooked up to artificial-kidney machines. NELL SHIPMAN: She moved to Seattle from Bainbridge Island in about 1895 and became one of the city's fledging actresses. However, it was her pioneer work as the first female motion-picture director in early silent films that assured her a place in film history forever. Her films featuring environmental and feminist themes make her one of the most significant and important filmmakers of all time. PHIL SMART: Car dealer who was leader in volunteer movement JUDGE CHARLES Z. SMITH: Was appointed to the state Supreme Court by Gov. Booth Gardner in 1988 and has been re-elected three times. He was a special assistant to Robert F. Kennedy when Kennedy was attorney general in the 1960s. In Seattle, he was a Municipal Court and Superior Court judge and a commentator for KOMO radio and television. More recently, he was appointed by President Clinton to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. HUGH SMITH: Civic leader who established Leadership Tomorrow, was instrumental in World's Fair, led the Chamber of Commerce and much more. LESTER SMITH AND DANNY KAYE: Seattle businessman Smith, first on his own and later in partnership with movie star Kaye, ran a string of radio stations; they also were the Seattle Mariners' original owners. SAM SMITH: First black legislator and city councilman, introduced the ordinance which granted open housing to all citizens regardless of race DEWEY SORIANO: A Seattle Pilots owner and Seattle Rainiers general manager. The Rainers were a Triple-A team and the Pilots were an American League team that played in Seattle for one season 1969 before leaving to Milwaukee where they now play as the Brewers. ICHIRO SUZUKI: Mariners sensation; first Japanese-born "position player" (non-pitcher) in the U.S. major leagues. GEORGE TAYLOR: Founder of the Far Eastern and Russian Institute at UW. Longtime head of the Washington Council on International Trade. EDDIE VEDDER: Singer and leader of Pearl Jam, one of the top rock bands in the 1990s. The group's dispute with Ticketmaster in 1993 presaged many later disputes by artists and fans against the bigtime music industry. WENDY WASSERSTEIN: Playwright whose dramas of contemporary life were often premiered or developed on Seattle stages (especially at the Seattle Repertory Theatre). W. WALTER WILLIAMS: A leading businessman and banker who helped develop Northgate, the nation's first regional enclosed shopping mall, and father of Walter B. Williams, who led the growth of Continental Savings Bank. ANN AND NANCY WILSON: Leaders since 1973 of Heart, an internationally acclaimed rock band that helped break the gender barrier in the male-dominated field. TOBIAS WOLFF: Acclaimed author and memoirist ("This Boy's Life"). THE BULLITT FAMILY: Dorothy Stimson Bullitt (1892-1989), daughter of the lumber industrialist D.D. Stimson (1857-1929), assumed control of her father's properties after her father and her husband died. She purchased a radio station and Seattle's first television station in the late 1940s, known today by the call letters KING. Her children Harriet Bullitt, Stimson Bullitt and Priscilla Bullitt Collins have carried on her public spirit. W. DUNCAN ROSS AND ARNE ZASLOVE: Founded the UW professional actor training program MARK MORRIS: Franklin High graduate considered one of the greatest dance choreographers of the second half of the 20th century. "BROTHER" RALPH SANDERS: Pioneer radio evangelist LORENZO MILAM: Pioneer of citizen radio at KRAB-FM. RICHARD BERRY: Wrote the song "Louie Louie." STUART DEMPSTER AND WILLIAM O. SMITH: UW composer-performers of avant guard music. GORDON BOWKER, ZEV SIEGL, JERRY BALDWIN: The original founders of Starbucks. JOHN ERLICHMAN: Served as advisor to President Nixon. FRANCIS AND JULIA KISSEL: Pioneers of fine dining at their Brasserie Pittsburg. LEROY HOOD: Biotechnology pioneer at the University of Washington EVELYN AND GEORGE BENSON: Popular owners of the Mission Pharmacy on Capitol Hill for many years. George Benson also was a city councilman who is known for creating the waterfront trolley. PRINCESS ANGELINE: Chief Seattle's daughter and a legendary figure in 19th century Seattle. DAVID HORSEY: Longtime Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. WILLIAM MEYDENBAUER: Eastside pioneer. JOHN POGETTI: In the 1950s was a partner with Victor Rosellini in opening one of Seattle's finest restaurants. BROCK ADAMS: Adams was a Broadway High School athlete and scholar, then student body president of the University of Washington. Adams was appointed U.S attorney, won a seat in Congress, served the Carter administration as Secretary of Transportation and then was elected to the U.S. Senate. WILLIAM ALLEN: William Allen served as the Boeing Company's attorney then assumed the presidency of the large airplane company in the late 1940's. He turned a bomber manufacturer without a market at the end of World War II into the world's most successful aircraft manufacturer. He is credited with making tough decisions such as turning the company from military manufacturer to building commercial aircrafts. RAYMOND ALLEN: Raymond Allen served as president of the University of Washington beginning in 1946. Allen helped start the University's nursing program. He also worked to raise nursing to the level of other professions and fought to reverse the declining enrollment in nursing schools nationwide. THE ALHADEFF FAMILY: The Alhadeff family has resided in Seattle since early in the 20th century. They started Longacres, later Emerald Downs, and have owned a number of downtown buildings. CAL ANDERSON (1948-1995): Worked to protect the disenfranchised people, particularly gays and lesbians, through his work as a politician. In 1987, he was appointed to the state House of Representatives, where he served four terms. He was then elected to the state senate where he served until his death in 1995, when he finally lost his battle to AIDS. ERNESTINE ANDERSON (1928- ): Jazz legend who has made over 20 albums, two of which have been nominated for Grammys. JOHN ANDERSON: Lake Washington ferry boat captain RALPH ANDERSON: Architect who initiated the restoration of Pioneer Square, saving buildings and converting to other uses. STEVE ANDERSON: Anderson was one of the Pacific Northwest's greatest track stars. He was a champion hurdler for the University of Washington and won a silver medal in the high hurdles at the 1928 Olympic games in Amsterdam. In 1930 twice tied the world record in that event. He is a member of the University of Washington Hall of Fame. FRED ANHALT: Builder of dozens of apartments in Seattle known for craftsmanship and quality. HARRY AULT: Harry Ault championed the causes of the common laborer in Seattle. He began the short-lived Union Record, a newspaper that championed the working class interests. He was deeply involved with the Seattle General Strike of 1919. JOHN BACK: John Back started the great Seattle fire of 1889. He was heating a small pot of glue, which overflowed and ignited the blaze. GIDEON S. BAILEY: Bailey came to Seattle in the years following emancipation and was a strong advocate for black self-help. He was the first president of the Washington State Afro-American League in 1891. In 1894, he was appointed justice of the peace at Franklin, Washington becoming the first African American to serve in this capacity in the Northwest. DICK BALCH: Local Chevrolet dealer and irreverent pitch man for cars (smashed cars with sledge hammer on TV ads) RICHARD A. BALLINGER: Ballinger, a Seattleite, served President Howard Taft as Secretary of Interior. His confrontation with Taft's successor, Theodore Roosevelt, over commercial development in Alaska resulted in his resignation and later the formation of Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party. ARTHUR BARNETT: Bennett advocated for Japanese Americans' rights throughout the internment period of World War II. He represented Gordon Hirabayashi. ROBERTA BYRD BARR: Barr was a well-known local personality because she moderated the popular local television program "Face to Face." In 1973, she became principal of Lincoln High School becoming both the first woman and the first African American to be a principal in the Seattle School District. GEORGE H. BARTELL: He oversaw the creation of what is now the nation's oldest family-owned drug chain. He founded his first drugstore in 1890 at the age of 22. EDDIE BAUER (1899-1986): Eddie Bauer, an avid outdoorsman, began selling tennis rackets in 1919. His small venture made him over $10,000 that year. After his initial success he began patenting outdoor clothing and equipment, which he sold in his store. He invented the down parka (later used by Jim Whitaker when he scaled Mt. Everest), and also patented the regulation-sized shuttlecock, still used in badminton today. His initial $25 investment has grown into an international clothing retailer. SIR THOMAS BEECHAM: A renowned English conductor Beecham became the director of the tiny Seattle Symphony in 1941. He is remembered most for his quote, "If I were a member of this community, really I should get weary of being looked on as a sort of aesthetic dust-bin." WILLIAM NATHANIEL BELL (1817-1887): William Bell is one of the founders of Seattle. He arrived with the Alki Landing Party in 1851, made one of the original land claims in 1852 and developed the area known as Belltown. He and his wife Sarah Ann, along with their baby, experienced the January 26, 1856 "Battle of Seattle". Bell invested in real estate, built the Bellevue Hotel at First Avenue and Battery Street, and established a barrel factory and wharf on the Seattle waterfront. JACK BENAROYA: Seattle businessman who was a leader in warehousing and the development of industrial parks. He is active in charitable causes and donated $16 million toward the construction of Seattle's new symphony hall, which bears the Benaroya name. PETER BEVIS: Bevis is the founder and director of the Fremont School of Fine Arts and the Fremont Foundry, established in 1986. An artist who makes molds of road kill, Bevis's work illustrates the recklessness of people in nature. He bought the Kalakala back to Seattle. RICHARD BEYER: A sculptor recognized for his large animals and many public pieces in Seattle and throughout the state of Washington. "People Waiting for the Interurban" in Fremont, "Sasquatch Pushing Over a House" at the University Heights School playground, and "Peaceable Kingdom" in Madrona, may be among his best known works. JEFF BEZOS: Jeff Bezos is the founder and president of Amazon.com, a Seattle based web retailer which is often cited as the largest online retail business in the world. DAVID AND CATHERINE BLAINE: The Blaines were New Yorkers who arrived in Seattle as Methodist missionaries in the midst of a wild seaport town. David founded Seattle's first church, called the "White Church," and Catherine became Seattle's First schoolteacher. NORM BLANCHARD: A boat builder. COL. ALDEN J. BLETHEN: With roots in Maine and Minnesota, Blethen came to Seattle and founded the Seattle Times in 1918. His strong opinion and forceful nature made him a target and focus of political foment in Seattle. BOBO THE GORILLA: Bobo introduced Seattleites to the great apes and to "exotic" wildlife in general; he taught a whole generation to abandon diabolical "King Kong" images of gorillas. He inspired better zoo husbandry and perhaps paved the way for primate preservation attempts. In his current taxidermied form, his legacy lives on. CHARLES BOFFERDING: A union leader at Boeing. As a result of a 40-day strike in 2000, engineers got more influence within the company. LAWRENCE BOGLE: Lawrence Bogle was a founding member of Bogle and Gates law firm. WILLIAM BOEING: In 1916 Boeing and Conrad Westervelt employed self -taught engineer Herb Munter to build a plane. The "B and W" plane company became a leading airplane manufacturer with the onset on World War I. Westervelt later left the company, which then became known simply as Boeing. VIRGIL BOGUE: Bogue was the Seattle civil engineer who worked with Frederick Law Olmsted to draw up the "Plan of Seattle." His grandiose scheme envisioned a city of the future, with a huge civic center (where Seattle Center now rests), a concept far ahead of his time. His plan also included tunnels under Lake Washington and Lake Union with parks everywhere. However, his futuristic ideas frightened city politicians and voters. He is credited with creating the impetus (which continues today) to beautify and improve the urban character of the city. JUDGE GEORGE BOLDT: Boldt presided over the trial of the "Seattle Seven" in 1970. He ruled it a mistrial, and held all of the defendants in contempt of court. Later he became well known for establishing Washington Indian fishing rights in the famous "Boldt Decision." GOTLIEB VON BOORIAN: He developed the land around Lake Burien, and is the man from whom the lake and the surrounding area received the name Burien. CARSON DOBBINS BOREN: Boren was Arthur Denny's brother-in-law. Boren, Arthur David Denny, and William Bell explored Seattle's shoreline with a weighted clothesline, before settling in what is now the Pioneer Square area of Seattle. Each of them staked claims around the new waterfront. Boren served as King County's first sheriff. STAN BORESON: Musician, comedian and host of long-running children's TV program, KING's Klubhouse. BETTY BOWEN: Born and raised in Seattle, Betty Bowen attended University of Washington before beginning her career as a reporter for the Seattle Times. She then worked as the Assistant Director of the Seattle Art Museum. She was an original member of the Seattle Arts Commission and one of the founders of the Pacific Northwest Arts and Crafts Center. She also served on the Allied Arts Historic Conservation Committee and was instrumental in preserving the Pike Place Market. GORDON BOWKER: Not only one of the founders of Starbucks Coffee, but also co-founded Red Hook Brewery. DORM BRAMAN (1901-1980): Braman was a Seattle mayor who made sweeping changes to the Seattle Police Department in 1968 to attract new men to the force and increase department efficiency. ERASTUS BRAINERD: A gold rush publicist, he was the director of the Bureau of Information for the Seattle Chamber of Commerce and popularized the notion that Seattle was the best point of departure for gold seekers. BERKLEY BREATHED: Writes the syndicated cartoon "Bloom County." DAVID BREWSTER: Brewster was a University of Washington English professor and writer for Seattle Magazine. He authored a number of books about the Seattle-area. He founded the Seattle Weekly and established the Sasquatch Press. THE BRIDGE FAMILY: Ben Bridge jewelers was a family-owned business (until sold last year to investor Warren Buffett) that has served Seattle for four generations. The business began as a single Seattle store and now reaches across 10 western states with 60 stores. HARRY BRIDGES: Bridges helped lead the longshoremen strike in 1934. GEORGE BROCK: Directed the Denny party to Puget Sound (from The Dalles, Oregon). ROYAL BROUGHAM: Longtime sports columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The street that travels between Safeco Field and the new football stadium is named in his honor. JEFF BROTMAN: Founder of Costco, now the state's largest company, in terms of sales, since Boeing moved its headquarters to Chicago. JAMES BUCHANAN: As secretary of state, rejected British claims to land north of the Columbia (1846) which led to eventual U.S. border of 48th parallel. SUSIE BURKE: Fremont developer who has influenced redevelopment of Fremont. JUDGE THOMAS BURKE: Arriving in Seattle in 1875, Burke practiced law, became a judge, and eventually the Chief Justice of the Washington State Supreme Court). He was deeply involved in local railroads, and civic and political projects. He took a strong hand in opposing those who instigated the anti-Chinese riots of 1886. HELEN BUSH: Helen Taylor Bush established a small home school in the Denny-Blaine neighborhood in 1924. Her efforts grew, resulting in the Bush School, a nationally known co-educational private school in the heart of the Denny-Blaine-Madison Valley community. KENNETH CALLAHAN: Served as curator of the Seattle Art Museum while developing his reputation as a painter and was a member of the "Northwest School" with Mark Tobey, Guy Anderson, and Morris Graves. ALBERT CANWELL: Anti-Communist state legislator, his investigations of alleged Communists foreshadowed the McCarthy era. DUDLEY C. CARTER (1891-1992): For over 60 years Carter carved large wooden sculptures and totems. His works adorn shopping centers, museums, schools, libraries, and private collections. He was King County's first artist-in-residence. RAYMOND CARVER: Pre-eminent short story writer JAMES E. CASEY: He started a messenger service at the age of 19 which grew to become the worldwide delivery company United Parcel Service. STEPHEN F. CHADWICK: Attorney, community leader, founder of Municipal League, national president of American Legion after World War I. JOHN CHERBERG (1910-1992): Cherberg was in the public eye through his involvement in both local sports and politics. He coached the University of Washington football team from 1953-1955 and served Washington as lieutenant governor from 1957-1989. In 1964 he ran for mayor, losing to Dorm Braman. DALE CHIHULY: He began studying glass blowing when he attended University of Washington, and then continued his studies at University of Wisconsin, Rhode Island School of Design, then in Italy. After returning to Washington, he co-founded the Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood. His work is displayed in over 190 museum collections worldwide and he was influential in elevating glass art as a serious art form. AUGUST CHILBERG: Chilberg, a Seattle businessman in the banking and shipbuilding industries, was central in organizing the 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. HIRAM CHITTENDEN: One of Seattle's first port commissioners, Chittenden worked to develop the Port of Seattle. He oversaw the construction of the Lake Washington Canal and locks, which now bear his name. NORTON CLAPP (1906- ) : Clapp invested heavily in timber and other ventures becoming the Weyerhaeuser magnate, amassing over $300 million. He was once called, "the regions greatest philanthropist" giving millions of dollars a year to various charities. His private nature kept many of Clapp's business investments and charity donations unpublicized, but he is known to have given the University of Puget Sound $7-$10 million. ANNA HERR CLISE: Clise held the first meetings to form a Children's Orthopedic Hospital established on Queen Anne Hill, now located off Sand Point Way. With the help of funds from their husbands, the female board hired staff, made all the non-medical decisions, and created Orthopedic Guild, which still holds fund raising events for the hospital. JOHN W. CLISE (1885-1939): Real estate developer, arrived in Seattle the day after the great Seattle fire. Instrumental in the development of Fort Lawton, and established Children's Orthopedic Hospital. KURT COBAIN (1967-1994): Seattle rock star, leader in the "grunge" rock movement, lead singer and guitarist in the popular rock group Nirvana. He committed suicide in Seattle in 1994 at the age of 27 LUTHER COLLINS: Collins is the "Daniel Boone" of Washington. He explored up and down the Pacific coast of the territory, laying claim to land on the Nisqually River, north of Olympia. He spoke highly of the land he saw, and other settlers began exploring what is now Thurston County, using his home as a base. TRACIE RUIZ CONFORTO: Conforto won the synchronized swimming gold medal in both the solo and partner events during the 1984 Olympic games. She returned to the Olympics in 1988 and won the silver in the solo event. JOHN CONSIDINE: Considine's "People's Theater" was a Seattle success, which led to his pre-eminent career as an impresario. He helped pioneer early Edison films and established the famous vaudeville circuit. Considine and his brother Tom were involved in the notorious killing of Seattle's police chief, William L. Meredith. D.B. COOPER: Infamous airline hijacker (flight from Portland to Seattle) who may or may not have gotten away. NELLIE CORNISH (1915-1994): Nellie Cornish founded the Cornish School of Allied Arts on Seattle's Capital Hill in 1914. Cornish also became famous for the staff she hired ballerina Mary Ann Wells, composer John Cage, dancer Merce Cunningham, and artist Mark Tobey. In later years she wrote her autobiography, "Miss Aunt Nellie". JOHN CORT: Cort's Grand Opera House on Seattle's Cherry Street between Second and Third Avenues was a showcase for talent in the early 1900's. He managed big names on the vaudeville circuit, later becoming famous in New York with a Broadway theater named after him. GEORGE FLETCHER COTTERILL (1865-1958): Cotterill served the Seattle area in a number of different capacities. He was a state senator (1906-1910), during which time he framed a constitutional amendment for women's suffrage. From 1916-1919 he worked as the State Highway Department Chief Engineer. He was also the Seattle mayor, and later the Port Commissioner. He also made surveys for the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railways. As Seattle City Engineer, he laid out Seattle bike paths that became the basis for the city's boulevards, surveyed for the city's first sewers, and developed the city's first water supply system. Cotterill was employed by the King Count Assessor's office until the age of 84. JOHN DANZ: Established a theater chain know as Sterling Theaters. His company later developed suburban theaters and developed the theater in Northgate Shopping Center. He founded a trust fund that benefited children's organizations. He also provided an endowment to the University of Washington, the Jessie and John Danz lectures. AUBREY DAVIS: Aubrey Davis was the mayor of Mercer Island. He also served as the regional administrator of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, a member of the state Transportation Commission, working on the area's transportation problems, and finally he was also the CEO of Group Health Cooperative. His work with Group Health helped create the state's Basic Health Plan, and he worked for health care reform both locally and nationally. The Washington Health Foundation recently gave him the lifetime achievement award. MICHAEL DEDERER: Seattle businessman, one of the fathers of the Century 21 World's Fair. BESSIE LEISTER DEMPSEY: After a successful career as a ballerina and vaudeville dancer in Hollywood (under the stage name Yvonne St. Clair) Dempsey enrolled at the University of California's mechanical engineering program. She graduated in the top 10 percent of her class and in 1948 became Boeing's first female engineer. ARTHUR ARMSTRONG DENNY (1822-1899): Arthur became the acknowledged leader of a group of pioneers credited with founding Seattle in 1852 after their arrival in 1851 at Alki Point. He served as Seattle's first postmaster, a leading businessman, and was a delegate to the Washington Territorial Legislature and was one of King County's first commissioners. He was instrumental in founding the University of Washington. HAWTHORNE K. DENT: He guided the formation of a firm that eventually became Safeco. JOSEF DIAMOND: Diamond was the first-born child to Jewish parents fleeing Czarist Russia. He was born in Seattle, and has lived in Seattle for over 90 of his 94 years, except for his four years of service in World War II. He had a distinguished law career, and was a very successful businessman with his Seattle parking lots as well as other real estate ventures. EWAN DINGWALL: Director of Seattle Center, also involved in the Century 21 World's Fair. PETER DONNELLY: Director, Corporate Council of the Arts. JOHN DORE: Mayor of Seattle, 1934-1936 HERMAN M. "DADDY" DRAPER AND ANNIE PLACEY "MOTHER" DRAPER: The Draper Children's Home (1907-1928) began in 1907 in a temporary Ballard location before being moved to its permanent location in Des Moines. Herman and Annie Draper gave love and care to children who had been orphaned, abandoned, broken homes, or had parents who were unable to provide for them. The Drapers cared for these marginalized children without regard to race or creed until their deaths. Unlike any children's home in the world, the Draper Children's Home received no help from the county, state, church, lodge, or charitable institution; rather is was supported by the children themselves. Mr. Draper believed that the children needed to be educated, so he included public school attendance, and musical lessons. The children operated their own print shop and thus were instructed in a trade. The Drapers converted their barn into an "Opery House" with a stage, where the children performed musical and vaudevillian performances as the "Jolly Entertainers." The Jolly Entertainers toured 38 states raising money for the Draper Children's Home GEORGE DUFF: Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce CEO 1968-1996 DON DUNCAN: Longtime Seattle Times reporter whose stories about the history of the area have become a vital resource. Known for his boundless energy and high standards. JAMES DUNCAN: Duncan served as the president of the Seattle Central Labor Council during the Seattle General Strike of 1919. FRANK DUPAR: Dupar and S.W. Thurston created a management company that eventually became Westin Hotels and Resorts. ZOE DUSANNE: Zoe Dusanne began collecting art in New York in the 1930's, later opening the first private fine arts gallery in Seattle. She promoted local and visiting artists, helping many on their way to national recognition. When she died, she gave all her works to the Henry Art Gallery. KING DYKEMAN: Attorney, first judge of new juvenile court in King County, influential in juvenile court system NATHAN ECKSTEIN (1873-1945): A prominent citizen who came to Seattle after being in the grocery business for 10 years in New York. He married Mina Schwabacher in 1902 and served as vice president and then chief executive officer of Schwabacher and Co., one of the oldest business houses in Seattle. He was a member of the Seattle School Board (1913-1920), chairman of the Washington State Tax Commission (1921-1922), Campaign Chairman for the Seattle Community Fund which was the forerunner of United Way (1924, 1925), and a member of the commission to revise the City Charter (1925). Nathan Eckstein Middle School is named after him. CLARENCE S. "HEC" EDMUNDSON: A track and basketball coach at the University of Washington and charter member of the Husky Hall of Fame. JAMES ELLIS: Franklin High School graduate and downtown lawyer, Ellis demonstrated monumental civic leadership when he helped form the Metropolitan Municipality of Seattle Metro. His efforts resulted in the clean up of Lake Washington and the creation of a regional transportation system. He was also a leader in the Forward Thrust program, which resulted in significant capital improvements in the region. He also provided leadership in developing the Freeway Park, utilizing space over the freeway for an urban park. He was also a leader in the development of the Washington State Convention Center, adjacent to Freeway Park. JOHN ELLIS: Provided outstanding leadership as CEO and chairman of the Seattle Mariners, resulting in a new major league baseball field and a series of winning season. Former CEO of Puget Sound Power and Light. Leader of the Washington Roundtable, Chamber of Commerce and Seattle King County Economic Development Board. JACK ENDINO: Recording engineer/producer who made early studio recordings of Nirvana, Soundgarden, U-Men and other proto-grunge acts. JEAN ENERSEN: Television news anchor. BEN EHRLICHMAN: He was a prominent Seattle banker who devised a plan to save the city from bankruptcy. In 1939, the city was in serious financial trouble. Ehrlichman called representatives of several local investment houses together, and they developed a plan to purchase $3.29 million in city bonds. He was one of the leaders in the development of Northgate in 1947, which at the time was the largest planned shopping mall in the United States. He also contributed a great deal of time to non-profit organizations and served on the local and national Municipal League Boards. DAN EVANS (1925- ): Dan Evans served the state as three-term governor from 1965-1977. Under his leadership there were significant improvement in education and transportation in the state. He later was elected to the U.S. Senate. Served as President of Evergreen College. TIM EYMAN: Mukilteo resident behind the successful anti-tax Initiative 695 and other measures that have limited government scope. DICK FALKENBERRY: civic activist whose successful advisory ballot measure has given new life to the monorail. GREG FALLS: Founder of Seattle's ACT (A Contemporary Theatre). LINDA FARRIS: Longtime Seattle gallery owner. RANDY FINLEY: Founder of Seven Gables Theatre chain, which, along with the Seattle International Film Festival, fostered and bolstered Seattle's appetite for fine cinema. THE FISHER FAMILY: O.D. Fisher guided the company launched by his father into one of the area's best known business empires and is remembered as a visionary who established one of the region's earliest broadcast companies. The family was involved in flour, lumber, banking and insurance as well as broadcasting (KOMO TV and radio). JOHN FLUKE: Early high-tech pioneer and businessman who invented high precision measuring devices THEA FOSS: Founded the Foss Launch Co, which later became the Foss Tug and Launch and eventually Foss Maritime. Foss Maritime is one of the foremost maritime services companies in the United States today. D.E. FREDERICK: Co-founder of Frederick & Nelson, Seattle's first premier department store. KEMPER FREEMAN, JR.: Eastside developer, owner of region's largest shopping center and influential in regional issues. CHARLES FRYE: Frye was a partner in Frye and Bruhn, Meatpackers. He founded the Frye Museum atop Seattle's First Hill, an institution that is one of Seattle's leading museums today. RICHARD E. FULLER: In 1931, at the height of the Great Depression, Fuller and his mother, Margaret E. MacTavish Fuller, constructed an art museum in Seattle's Volunteer Park that today is known as the Seattle Asian Art Museum. The art deco building, designed by Carl F. Gould, is one of Seattle's premier historic buildings. Fuller served as the museum's art director, curator and major donor of art objects for the remainder of his life (died 1976). ALAN B. FURGUSON: Furguson was the president of the Rainier Brewery in the 1960's, and an active civic leader during that time. JACOB FURTH (1840-1914): Furth presided over banking, real estate, and streetcar empires in the late 1880's. He also established the forerunner to Puget Sound Power and Light Company. After the Great Seattle Fire of 1889, Furth promised that his bank would not profit from the disasters, and proceeded to issue over $150 million in bank loans. WILLIAM GATES, JR.: Founding attorney at Preston, Gates and Baldwin, and father to Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates. BAILEY GATZERT (1829-1893): Founding member of the Schwabacher Hardware firm and elected Seattle mayor in 1875. His palatial home, scene of many important social gatherings, can be seen today on Seattle's First Hill. A Seattle elementary school (and at one time a steamboat) honors his name. WILLIAM GERBERDING: Gerberding served as the president of the University of Washington from 1979-1995. HIRAM C. GILL (1866-1919): Served as Seattle City Councilman for 12 years and as mayor twice. His support of an "open-town" where brothels, gambling parlors and saloons went unsuppressed, eventually caused him to fall into disfavor. In 1910, the Washington Legislature granted the vote to women and in the February 7, 1911, recall election, 20,000 of 23,000 registered women voters cast their ballots. Real-estate man George W. Dilling won by 6,000 votes, and Gill was turned out of office. In 1914, Gill managed a political comeback by reversing many of his positions, but his term was marked by ethical failures, corruption scandals, and prosecution. JOE GOTTSTEIN: A real-estate mogul who was responsible for the development of the lavish Coliseum Theater. He put much of his fortune into the creation of Longacres, a home for the sport he loved, thoroughbred horse racing. CARL F. GOULD (1873-1939): Founded the architecture program at University of Washington and designed the campus plan and major institutional buildings at the University of Washington in 1915. He was a leader in architectural education and design from 1910-1940. In addition, he designed such handsome edifices as Seattle Times Square Building, the Ballard Locks, and Volunteer Park's Seattle Asian Art Museum. JOHN GRAHAM, JR. (1908-1991): Seattle architect, he won international acclaim for his design of Seattle's Space Needle and for his large-scale shopping complexes. JOHN GRAHAM, SR. (1873-1955): Seattle architect who designed many of Seattle's most significant commercial buildings during the first half of the twentieth century. Many still form the core of the city's historic commercial district. JOSHUA GREEN (1869-1975): A ship owner and wholesale merchant during Puget Sound's Mosquito Fleet era. He and his partners made significant money during the gold rush to Alaska (beginning in 1897) by transporting prospectors to and from Alaska on his steamers. In 1913, he founded the Puget Sound Navigation Co., a cross-Sound ferry service. In the 1920s he got out of shipping (which was suffering competition from rail and road transportation) and became a banker. GREEN RIVER KILLER: Unknown killer of more than 50 young women in the Pacific Northwest. He has never been caught. KEN GRIFFEY JR.: Seattle's first sports superstar. He played for the Seattle Mariners through much of the 1990's. WILLIAM GROSE: One of Seattle's leading 19th century pioneer businessmen. He was an African-American who arrived in the 1860's and had a hotel and real estate business. ERNA GUNTHER: Long considered to be the foremost expert on Northwest Coast Native American art and culture. She was a great teacher and pioneer in introducing the world to this art, championing the art, culture and human rights of our local Native Americans. DAVID GUTERSON: Local writer, best known for the book "Snow Falling on Cedars." IVAR HAGLUND: Haglund was a member of a pioneer West Seattle family. He ran an aquarium on Seattle's waterfront, singing his own commercials on the radio. He opened his first Acres of Clams restaurant in the 1950's. He later expanded his business into a large chain of seafood eateries, known today as "Ivar's." He later served as Seattle port commissioner. A Rich Beyer statue of Ivar feeding oversized seagulls rests outside the fire station on Seattle's waterfront. JOHN H. "DOC" HAMILTON: African American operator of the most famous local speakeasies and gambling dens during Prohibition. "Doc" was known widely as a good businessman, welcoming host and local personality. His last establishment was raided by the police, which resulted in him serving a brief prison term. OLE HANSON (1874-1949): Mayor of Seattle and the center of political foment during the Seattle General Strike in 1919. He used the strike controversy to test national opinion as a prospective presidential candidate. BOB HARDWICK: KVI disc jockey in the 1960s and 1970s known for wacky on-air antics. DOTTIE HARPER: Harper was a long-time community activist who helped establish Highline Community College, Seahurst Park, Burien Library, Moshier Park, North SeaTac Park, Burien Park, Highline Community Center, Burien Arts Association and Burien Art Gallery. She helped incorporate the city of Burien and served on its first council. She received two governors Distinguished Volunteer awards, and twice was named the woman of the year. Dottie Harper Park was named in her honor. DENIS HAYS: Director of the Bullitt Foundation, created Earth Day in 1970. FRED HAZELTINE: One of only two pediatricians between Seattle and Tacoma in the 1950's, helped establish Burien General Hospital, now Highline Community Hospital. He served as the hospital's chief of staff. JIMI HENDRIX (1942-1970): A brilliant and innovative electric guitar player, the first to make professional use of the feedback and effect apparatus. After being expelled from high school and discharged from the Army, Hendrix devoted himself to music and spent four years doing back-up guitar work, before forming his own band, Jimmy James and the Blue Flames, in 1966. In 1967, Hendrix had a new band called the Jimi Hendrix Experience. After a 1966 Tour in Europe, his band was internationally recognized. Hendrix died in 1970 of a drug overdose. VI HILBERT: An Upper Skagit elder who has spent the bulk of her adult life researching, documenting and translating the ways and words of Lushootseed the culture and language of Puget Sound's indigenous people. JAMES HILL: Known as the Empire Builder, he used the Great Northern Railway and the rest of his transportation empire to develop the commercial foundation of Seattle and King County. Hill's northern-most transcontinental railway, with its low curvature and minimal grades (leading to cheap freight rates), along with the Great Northern Steamship Company (which had the world's largest freighters, the Dakota and the Minnesota), helped establish Seattle as a world-class port and a major conduit for channeling commerce through the Pacific Northwest to reach markets in both Asia and the Eastern United States. Many footprints of the Great Northern Empire remain in King County, including King Street Station, the Ballard Bay Bridge, the 8-mile Cascade Tunnel and the Seattle to Everett seawall. Martin Luther King, Jr., Way was originally named "Empire Way" in honor of Hill, and Amtrak's Empire Builder passenger service still bears his nickname. In March of 1970, the great Northern Railway merged with other companies of "Hill Lines" to form the Burlington Northern, Inc., which continues to thrive today as Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF). SAM HILL: Raised in North Carolina, Hill settled in Seattle after a long career as a lawyer for several railroads. He planned, inspired, and often helped pay for such monuments as the Columbia River Gorge scenic highway, and the Peace Arch at Blaine, Washington, the Gorge's Maryhill Museum (a large scale version of his Capitol Hill home), Seattle's first Quaker Meeting House and the headstone as Chief Joseph's grave, Colville, Washington. GORDON HIRABAYASHI: A Japanese-American student at the University of Washington, he refused to obey a curfew order that applied to all persons of Japanese descent on the West Coast after the United States declared war on Japan. Later, he refused to be interned with the rest of the Japanese Americans when he was ordered to report for evacuation. He was arrested and found guilty, later appealing all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which upheld his conviction. Forty-four years later a federal judge in Seattle vacated his convictions. He stood for his principles and showed that it's never too late to redress wrongs. ISABEL HOGAN: Kent's first female mayor, a position she held for 16 years. Early in her administration Kent opened a new library. The city established new parks and planted trees along the roadway during her administration. These environmental enhancements were essential in a time when the city's population more than doubled. JOHN C. HOLGATE: At 19, he became the first non-Indian of record to explore Elliott Bay and the Duwamish waterway. He hoped to establish a land claim. He staked out land but found that others Luther M. Collins, Henry Van Asselt, and Jacob and Samuel Maple beat him to the patent office. Nevertheless, he settled on what is today Beacon Hill and a street is named in his honor. DEXTER HORTON: Traveling the Immigrant Trail in 1852, Horton worked as a hand at Puget Sound Sawmills, and cooked at Henry Yesler's cookhouse. He acquired a small safe and began holding workers funds for safekeeping. His "banking" business grew, ultimately becoming the Dexter Horton Bank, forerunner to Seafirst Bank. EDDIE HUBBARD: Pilot of Boeing's first commercial plane. RICHARD HUGO: Born in White Center, Hugo became one of the Pacific Northwest's premier poets. His biography, "The Real West Marginal Way," described his Seattle childhood fishing and roaming along the Duwamish waterway. He taught and wrote for years at the University of Montana, Missoula. LEIGH HUNT: The owner of the Seattle Post Intelligencer who invested in a steel mill in Kirkland, envisioning it as the "Pittsburgh of the West." ARCHBISHOP RAYMOND HUNTHAUSEN (1920- ): Rome named Raymond Hunthausen the archbishop of Seattle in 1975. In his role as archbishop, he reached out to those often marginalized by Catholicism and society: homosexuals, refugees, minority communities, divorced Catholics, and women who had had abortions. He endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment, and wrote a letter to Rome identifying steps the Catholic Church could take to "value the gifts of women equally with those of men." He spoke out against the American arms race, choosing to withhold half of his taxes to demonstrate his opposition to it. Hunthausen's liberal outspoken nature made conservative Seattle Catholics and Rome uncomfortable. In 1985, Rome named a conservative bishop to serve under him but gave Bishop Wuerl a power-sharing influence with the archbishop. This approach almost led to the Archbishop's resignation. FRED HUTCHINSON: As a pitcher for the Tacoma Rainiers, he was one of the organization's most successful players. In 1938, he won 25 games on his way to earning "Minor League Player of the Year" honors. He went on to play 10 seasons for the Detroit Tigers, with a career ERA of 4.21. He later returned to Seattle as manager of the Rainiers. SAM ISRAEL: Called everything from an invisible slumlord to a philanthropist, he amassed over 500 properties, worth between $100-$200 million at the time of his death (1994). A hermit who lived in Eastern Washington, he owned over 30 downtown properties, 14 of which were located in Pioneer Square. He refused to renovate or improve any of his properties, only investing in keeping the roof functional. Due to his negligence many of his properties were vacated and fell into disrepair. However, the low rent helped spawn a lively artist scene in Pioneer Square. Before he died he established Samis Land Co., whose revenue goes to educating Jewish children. GEORGE JACKSON BRIGADE: Radical group who detonated bombs around the region in the 1970s to call attention to causes ranging from the rights of farm workers, to the rights of Native Americans and utility workers. Named for a member of the Black Panthers. HENRY JACKSON (1912-1983): A Democrat, he served as a U.S. Senator from Washington State for more than 30 years. Proponent of New Deal-type legislation, strong national defense and effective advocate for Boeing. Unsuccessfully sought Democratic presidential nomination in 1976. DON JAMES: Coached the University of Washington football team for 18 years, from 1975-1992. He is the Huskies' most successful football coach, with a 153-57-2 record (winning percentage of 72.8), leading the team to 14 bowl games including 6 Rose Bowls (of which they won 4). In 1991 the Huskies won the National Championship, and Don James was named the Coach of the Year. FLORENCE BEAN JAMES: With her husband, founded the Seattle Repertory Playhouse. During the Great Depression, James became the director of the Works in Progress Federal Theatre Project, directing the first all-black acting company in Seattle. She also established a program where she brought famous plays to high schools, working in conjunction with the State Department of Education. When the Depression ended so did her funding, and she had to halt both the education program and the WPA project. In 1948, the Jameses were brought in front of the Committee for Un-American Activities, and their public support diminished, forcing them to close the playhouse. J.A. JANCE: Popular Seattle mystery novelist who frequently uses Seattle as the location of her novels. SPEIGHT JENKINS: Served as the Seattle Opera General Director since 1983. CARL JENSEN: Ninety-year-old Carl Jensen was recently chosen as Citizen of the Century by the Highline Community. Jensen was involved in education for 64 years, 18 as superintendent of the Highline public schools. He had the foresight to predict the area's growth in the 1950s and 1960s leading to the construction of over 40 new schools and a place on the cover of Time Magazine. Under his leadership Camp Waskowitz, Highline Community College, the Occupational Skills Center, and Memorial Field were established. He also served on the boards of Forward Thrust, KCTS and the Pacific Science Center. In 1998, he wrote and published The Highline School District Chronicle documenting major events, issues and changes in the Highline community through much of the 20th century. MARY BARD JENSEN: Authored many books including "The Doctor Wore Three Faces" and other books, many of them referring to Puget Sound country. She was the sister of author Betty MacDonald. NILS JOHANNSEN: Founder of Swedish Hospital. CHARLES JOHNSON: Writer, UW professor, winner of National Book award for "Middle Passage." PHILIP G. JOHNSON: Ran Boeing during its years as America's most successful fighter-plane builder in the 1920s and 1930s, then again during the bomber period of World War II. NARD JONES: Whitman College graduate who spent his career as a journalist and author in the Seattle area. He was chief editorial writer at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, author of "Swift Flows the River," "Evergreen Land," "Seattle" and "The Great Command," the Marcus and Narcissa Whitman story. He did historical vignettes on Seattle radio for years. QUINCY JONES (1933- ): Garfield High School's musical prodigy has more Grammy nominations than anyone else in history. Jones has written film scores, sonatas and popular music, done arrangements for other artists and performed throughout the world with his own band and orchestra. MILTON KATIMS: Long-time conductor of the Seattle Symphony. CAPT. HENRY KELLETT: Member of British Admiralty who formalized (on printed charts) names of many Pacific Northwest geographic features earlier bestowed by Charles Wilkes and Spanish explorers. MIKE AND JANE FENTON KELLY: Generally recognized as the first recorded family to homestead in the Highline area, having arrived in 1872. They established a claim in what Mike Kelly called Sunnydale near the old military road that the army had built through the area in the 1850's. An influx of population occurred with the arrival of many logging and farming families. The Kellys were soon recognized as one of the leading forces in education, road-building and community growth. The area's first school was in Jane Kelly's kitchen. MARJORIE PITTER KING: First African American woman to serve in the Washington State Legislature. HENRY L. KOTKINS: Took over Skyway luggage upon the death of his father and built the company into the nation's largest independently owned luggage supplier. Served on the Seattle Port Commission for 14 years LEO KREIELSHEIMER: Owner of canneries, and creator of Kreielsheimer Foundation. AKI KUROSE: Quaker peace activist, internment-camp survivor, planetary researcher, tireless volunteer. Studs Terkel profiled her as one of 70 outstanding older Americans in his book "Coming of Age." She received many awards. ARTHUR LANGLIE (1990-1966): Mayor of Seattle from 1938 to 1941, then governor of Washington. WILLIAM RUFUS DEVANE LANGLIE: A member of Cincinnatus, a citizen group working to eliminate corruption in the city government, he defeated an incumbent to be elected to the Seattle City Council. Following his council work he ran for mayor and lost. The following year, 1938, he was elected to be the state lieutenant governor, becoming the first person to serve three terms in that capacity. LEO LASSEN: The radio voice of the Seattle Rainiers for over 30 years, broadcasting roughly 5,000 games from 1931 to 1960. GEORGE ALFRED LEADER (1903-1982): Al Leader co-founded the Western Hockey League, which was headquartered in Seattle. In 1969 he was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. DR. HANS LEHMANN (1911-1996): A Jewish refugee from Germany who managed to complete his medical studies in Italy. He helped found Ballard Hospital (now a part of Swedish Hospital), was a patron of the arts, supporter of the Seattle Symphony and co-author (with his wife Thelma) of his life's experiences, "A Time Out of Joint" and "Out of the Cultural Dustbin." ALONZO VICTOR LEWIS: Lewis' patriotic works, including "The Doughboy" at the Seattle Center and "Victor Memorial" on the state capital grounds, made him the outstanding sculptor of the 1920's. BERTHA LANDES: Seattle's first female City Council president and the city's only female mayor. During her council presidency, the mayor left town for a month, and Bertha became acting mayor. As mayor she ordered the chief of police to fire several officers against whom charges had been made. When he refused, she fired him, and then fired the officers herself. When she ran for mayor, her "dry" platform was at first popular during Prohibition, but frequent police raids and the attendant unsavory publicity led to her defeat after a two-year term. NORM LANGILL: Founder of One Reel, producer of Bumbershoot and other cultural events. WAYNE D. LARKIN: As a two-term Seattle City Council member during the 1970s, Larkin was able to bring people together, reach consensus and foster change. Results of his persistence and dedication include the Vietnam and Korean War Memorial on the granite walls of the Public Safety Building, Medic One and 911, Seattle's burn center, the police departments' K-9 unit, and the Utility Exemption Program for Seattle's Economically Disadvantaged. In his career with the city he served as a fire fighter, police officer, and City Council Member. GARY LARSON: Creator of "The Far Side," a hugely popular cartoon panel. Before Larson's retirement in 1995, the cartoon strip appeared in 1,900 daily newspapers, in 40 countries and was translated into 17 different languages. Larson received the Rueber Award for outstanding cartoonist from the National Cartoonist Society in both 1991 and 1994. "The Far Side" was named the best-syndicated panel in 1985 and 1987. JACOB LAWRENCE (1917-2000): Seattle painter and University of Washington professor who began in the Harlem Renaissance and whose vivid colors and simple forms represent scenes from American history. DAVID LYNCH: Filmmaker, writer, creator of "Twin Peaks," a TV show illustrating the darker side of life. GYPSY ROSE LEE: West Seattle's Lee, with her sister June Havoc, performed in a kiddy vaudeville act that toured the nation. She parlayed her experience into a famous striptease that was a hit at the Zeigfield Follies. Her life was portrayed in the musical "Gypsy." CHIEF LESCHI: Nisqually Indian who befriended and then was deceived by his white neighbors. He was hanged for murder, but his name lives in a Seattle waterfront park. ARTHUR L. LOVELESS: Wealthy Pacific Northwest families hired Loveless who usually brought along landscape artist Otto E. Holmdahl to design monuments to their wealth. His famous, prizewinning edifice is the Loveless Building at Roy Street and Broadway in Seattle. The homes of Loveless are considered examples of the baronial style with English touches. RABBI RAPHAEL LEVINE: Rabbi of Temple de Hirsch Sinai, a Reform congregation. He was well known for his ecumenical work. GARY LOCKE: King County Executive and governor of Washington, first Chinese American governor in the continental U.S. MANUEL LOPEZ: First African American (1850's) settler in pioneer Seattle. A seaman who started a barbershop in Pioneer Square. WING LUKE (1925-1965): A Chinese American lawyer and a leader of the King County Democrats, was the first Asian member of the Seattle City Council and the first local legislator to introduce long-range planning. WILLIAM MACCOLL: Seattle physician, instrumental in founding of Group Health Cooperative. BETTY MACDONALD: Author of the national bestseller "The Egg and I," she spent many years in the Seattle area and on the Olympic Peninsula. She followed up her "Egg" sensation with "The Plague and I," and "Onions in the Stew." WARREN G. MAGNUSON (1905-1989): An orphan who came from the Midwest, Magnuson attended the University of Washington, and eventually became King County's prosecuting attorney. He later became a congressman, and finally U.S. Senator, serving from 1944-1981. "Maggie" was President Pro Tem of the Senate fourth in line to the U.S. Presidency and chaired the Senate's Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee. HARVEY MANNING: Environmentalist, proponent of "Issaquah Alps" and author of several camping and hiking guidebooks. VIVIAN MATTHEWS: Organized citizens who defeated Metro's plans to build a sewer outfall in Seahurst Park. She was a founding member and president of Citizens to Save Puget Sound. She also helped incorporate the City of Burien, and served on the council for five years. Matthews received two Governor's Distinguished Volunteer awards. FRANK MCCAFFREY: Printed dozens of finely crafted books, now considered collector's items, at his Dogwood Press. Also ran for Seattle mayor. MARY MCCARTHY: Worked as a novelist and critic during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Raised in Seattle, her biting wit and tell-all biographies caused a stir. Her autobiographical pieces, "Memories of a Catholic Girlhood," and "How I Grew," are replete with references to the Seattle area. THE MCCAW FAMILY: Craig McCaw founded McCaw Cellular, the wireless company that merged with AT&T in 1994. JOHN MCCLELLAND, JR.: Former publisher of newspapers in Longview and Bellevue, McClelland also wrote a history of Longview and "Wobbly War," a history of the Centralia (Wobbly) massacre. He endowed a chair in history at the University of Washington and has supported a variety of regional history projects. H.W. MCCURDY: Industrialist, maritime enthusiast, father of MOHAI. He guided Puget Sound Bridge and Dredge into a major player in bridge and ship building on the West Coast. For a short time after WWII the company was the second largest employer in the Seattle area. DARRYL MACDONALD: Co-founder of Seattle International Film Festival and purveyor of Seattle's now firmly established reputation as a city of cinematic connoisseurs. LUCILE MCDONALD: Writer, historian, Eastside journalist. SAMUEL MCKINNEY: Minister at African American Zion Baptist Church and community leader. STANLEY O. MCNAUGHTON: PEMCO executive who originally was asked to shape a vision for the company and stayed on for 37 years to implement that vision. EDMUND S. MEANY: After helping to launch the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Meany dedicated his life to recording and speaking about Seattle's prospects and history. His books include "Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound" and "History of the State of Washington." Schools, a hotel and other monuments are named after him. VIC MEYERS: Meyer, a Seattle jazz-band leader, ran for mayor of Seattle in 1930 on the whim of some practical jokesters at The Seattle Times, who convinced him to join the race as their protest of the inferiority of candidates that year. He was eager to lend himself to the joke, and the Times reporters wrote him up throughout the campaign. After losing the mayoral election, he won the election for the lieutenant governor of the state. WINLOCK MILLER: Regent of the University of Washington, important in the development of the University. THOMAS T. MINOR: Mayor of Seattle, elected in 1887. He was a businessman and founder of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad. LEE MINTO: Leader of Planned Parenthood in Seattle MARY CARR MOORE: Wrote a full-length opera called "Narcissa," based on the lives and deaths of Dr. Marcus and Narcissa Whitman. The opera ran for 12 performances at Seattle's Moore Theatre in 1912. JAMES A. MOORE: From Syracuse, N.Y., Moore became a real-estate mogul who developed much of Seattle's Capital Hill, central downtown, and the Brooklyn neighborhood in the University District. His Moore Theater still stands on Second Avenue. MURRAY MORGAN: Morgan, an expert in regional history, wrote the vibrant, informal portrait of Seattle, "Skid Road." His works also include, "Puget's Sound," "Century 21" (the history of the Seattle World's Fair) and "The Dam," the story of the building of the Grand Coulee Dam. ESTHER MUMFORD: African American historian who lives in Seattle. In 1980 she published a groundbreaking history about the early African American residents in Seattle. Entitled "Seattle's Black Victorians 1852-1901," this book reflects primary research and is the first book to present a comprehensive history of African American's in early Seattle. BILL MUNCEY: Hydroplane driver of Miss Thriftway, Atlas Van Lines and others who epitomized Seattle's boat racing. ED MUNRO: State legislator who helped purchase land for Seahurst Park on Puget Sound. He also helped develop the park. SCOTT NAGEL: Founder of Northwest Folklife Festival. NELS NELSON: Co-founder of Frederick & Nelson, Seattle's first premier department store. DAVE NIEHAUS: Dave Niehaus has been delivering colorful descriptions of Mariner baseball since the team was established in 1977. He is listened to by hundreds of thousands of people all over the Pacific Northwest. His enormous contribution to Mariner baseball was recognized when he was asked to throw out the ceremonial first pitch in the inaugural game in Safeco Field. On May 7, 2000, Niehaus was inducted into the Mariner Hall of Fame. Gov. Gary Locke declared the day Dave Niehaus Day in the state. MARNI NIXON: A Broadway singer, famous for singing for Audrey Hepburn in the movie version of "My Fair Lady." JOSEPHINE NORDHOFF: Josephine and her husband Edward founded the Bon Marché in 1889. After Edward died in 1899, Josephine was the driving force behind building this Seattle institution. JOHN W. NORDSTROM: Nordstrom, a Swedish immigrant, tried his luck in the Alaska gold rush then settled in Seattle. He founded a shoe store with his partner Carl F. Wallin. In 1930, he bought out Wallin and sold the business to his three sons, Everett, Elmer, and Lloyd. The store, now much more than a shoe outlet, is in the hands of the third and fourth generations of Nordstroms. PAT O'DAY (1934- ): Pat O'Day was a high profile disc jockey on KJR radio through the 1960s and has been the voice of the Seafair hydro races for years. He was the first disc jockey in Seattle to really start playing rock 'n roll, an action for which he earned 37 percent of the radio audience. In 1964 and 1965 he won the award for the top program director from the National Radio Industry, and in 1966 was named the disc jockey of the year. CHARLES ODEGAARD: President of the University of Washington from 1958-1973. His vision of transforming the University from a local school to a nationally recognized research institution was realized during his presidency. THE OLMSTEDS: Relatives of Frederick Law Olmsted, who designed Central Park in New York, then designed the upper-class neighborhood of The Highlands. The brothers also designed some of Seattle's first parks. LIZZIE ORDWAY: She was one of the original "Mercer girls," women that Asa Shinn Mercer arranged to come to Seattle to teach and to increase the number of marriageable women in Seattle. She taught in the first public school in Seattle in 1870. VANCE ORCHARD: Editor and publisher of the Glendale Gazette. FRANK H. OSGOOD: Osgood is perhaps the father of Seattle's public transportation system. His horse-drawn trolleys moved slowly along Second Avenue beginning in 1884. Three years later he used electricity to power his trolleys, thereby beginning a trend by entrepreneurs to extend tracks to every real-estate development in the city. MARTIN PANG (1955- ): Started the 1995 fire in the Mary Pang Warehouse downtown, in which four firemen died. In his confession, Pang said he started the fire to relieve his parents the burden of running the business. He fled to Brazil but was returned to Washington and tried for both arson and murder. ALEXANDER PANTAGES: A theater magnate who owned the largest theatre chain in America. His career began with the Alaska gold rush, and he later owned and managed the Crystal Theatre on Seattle's Second Avenue. His home in Madison Park remains one of Seattle's greatest residential palaces. ESTHER PARISEAU "MOTHER JOSEPH:" With an aptitude for leadership, architecture and carpentry, Mother Joseph designed and built hospitals, houses and chapels throughout the Pacific Northwest. Seattle's Providence Hospital is a monument to her efforts. She is featured as one of two Washington state representatives in Statuary Hall in the Capitol in Washington D.C. VERNON LOUIS PARRINGTON: Popular English teacher at the University of Washington, Parrington won the Pulitzer Prize for history in 1928. His two-volume masterpiece (a third volume was added posthumously), "Main Currents in American Thought," was a seminal contribution to American letters. One of the older buildings on the UW campus is named in his honor. J.P. PATCHES: The clown J.P. Patches, played by Chris Wedes, is one of the most beloved characters in the history of Northwest television. J.P Patches and his friends entertained children from 1958-1981; at the peak 100,00 children watched it daily. J.P. Patches is one of the longest running children's shows in American history. ANGELO PELLEGRINI: Pellegrini, an Italian immigrant who settled with his family in Southwest Washington state, later made his mark as a University of Washington English professor and food and wine expert. He wrote many books including, "The Unprejudiced Palate," "Immigrant's Return" and "Lean Years, Happy Years." He also gave talks and became a sought after presence wherever Italian culture was mentioned. THOMAS PHELPS: Naval officer who created first drawing of Seattle in 1856 aboard the Decatur (during the Battle of Seattle). MARGERY R. PHILLIPS: As one of the most extensively published local architectural writers, Philips was highly influential in creating a popular base for the acceptance of modern residential design. She was instrumental in establishing the Seattle Times/ AIA Home of the Month program in 1953, which still continues today. WILLIAM PIGOTT: Pigott turned the Pacific Car and Foundry into a successful business in Seattle. He expanded from railroad cars into equipment for the logging industry and handled military contracts during WWI. He guided Paccar into the truck-making business with the purchase of Kenworth Truck in 1944. JOHN PIKE: Builder of first UW building in downtown Seattle in 1861. HARVEY PIKE: Built first Montlake canal. GUENDOLEN PLESTCHEEFF: Daughter of Carkeek family, civil leader in mid 20th century. CHARLES PLUMBER: Arrived in 1853 and established a sawmill near the Cedar River and a coal mine next to the Black River. He started the area's first brickyard, and started a livery stable. GEORGE POCOCK: Designer and builder of racing shells, including those used by 1936 gold medal U.S. Olympic Team. Also designed hull of Boeing's first commercial plane. EDWIN PRATT (1930-1969): He was the executive director of the Seattle Urban League, a member of the Central Area Civil Rights Organization and a leader in the struggle for integrated housing and education in Seattle. He was shot and killed by an unknown assailant on January 26, 1969. FATHER FRANCIS XAVIER PREFONTAINE: Founded Seattle's first Catholic church and helped establish other parishes. He worked closely with Mother Joseph of the Sisters of Providence and lived for years on Seattle's Capitol Hill. JOSEPHINE PRESTON: Preston was elected to the position of state Superintendent of Schools in 1918, shortly after women won the right to vote. At that time, teachers, particularly in rural areas, had very meager pay, part of which went to living expenses. Often, teachers boarded with local families, moving from house to house, sometimes sharing a bed with a daughter. Preston, in an effort to lower the teachers' turnover rate, established "teacherages," cottages built next to the school where the teacher could live. This idea, wildly popular across Washington, was eventually were used throughout the United States. She also decided that schools in rural areas could double as community centers in the off-hours. During her administration, other progressive reforms were made, including kindergarten, hot lunches and buses to transport students to and from school. LIONEL H. PRIES: A faculty member at the University of Washington from 1928 to 1957, he taught and influenced the generation of architects who created Northwest Regional Modernism, including Paul Kirk, Roland Terry, Fred Bassetti, Victor Steinbrueck, Alan Liddle, Perry Johanson and Robert Shields. He was also the director and curator at the Seattle Art Institute in its early years. B. MARCUS PRITECA: The architect who designed most of Seattle's downtown theaters. In addition, he designed schools, homes and commercials buildings. His ornate and detailed theater work earned him a national reputation. CAPTAIN PUGET: Classic Seattle television character, played by Don McCune, 1955-1965 PETER PUGET: He sailed with Captain George Vancouver and named sites in the area, including Puget Sound MARK E. REED: Transformed Simpson Investment Co. from a 19th Century log supplier into a diversified forest products giant and also served as an elected official and political reformer. LARRY REID: Early director of Center on Contemporary Art (COCA). CAPT. WILLIAM RENTON: Established sawmills and lumber businesses throughout Puget Sound. His Port Blakely site on Bainbridge Island was spectacularly successful. Renton, Washington and "Renton Hill" were named after him. AHMED RESSAM: Convicted terrorist caught trying to bring explosives into the United States at the Port Angeles border crossing. NORM RICE: Seattle's first African American mayor, serving the city from 1990 to 1998. BORGHILD RINGDAHL: Borghild Ringdahl's husband operated a strawberry farm. They paid neighborhood children kids to pick the berries, and then took the berries to Seattle to sell them. However, during the Depression the fruit rotted because no one could afford to purchase it. With some of her neighbors Ringdahl put surplus produce in bags and distributed it to about 13,000 people in welfare lines. As a member of the PTA she also started a hot lunch programs at school. She was hired as the first director of the hot-lunch programs in Seattle. TOM ROBBINS: Worked as an art critic for the Seattle Times and later Seattle magazine. His career as a novelist began with "Another Roadside Attraction," which instantly became a cult favorite in 1971. Robbin's second book "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" was published by Signet paperbacks, making it a more mainstream novel. Robbins is probably one of Seattle's most widely known authors. JERRY ROBINSON: A former newspaper editor of a chain of South Country newspapers including Highline Times, West Seattle Herald, White Center News, Federal Way News, the Ballard News Tribune and Monroe Monitor. ALFRED R. ROCHESTER (1856-1949): Rochester, a Seattle native, served as a Seattle City Councilman and introduced one-way streets, handicapped parking and daylight savings time in Seattle. He also wrote and arranged the passage of a resolution to establish Century 21, the 1962 World's Fair. Later, he served as executive director of the Fair's Washington State Commission. THEODORE ROETHKE: Roethke, an English professor at the University of Washington, won the Pulitzer Prize and a number of other literary awards. In his lectures he often included frequent references to the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. NATHANIEL S. ROGERS: Launched an adhesives manufacturing company that over the years grew into the largest distributor of industrial chemicals in North America. His company later became the Univar Corporation. ROSIE THE RIVETER: A popular symbol during WWII of women entering the blue-collar work force in order to keep up industrial production to support the war effort. Believed to be based on women in Boeing's work force. J.D. ROSS: Founder of Seattle City Light, later head of Bonneville Power Administration. HERMAN SARKOWSKY: One of the area's largest developers of homes and apartments. His business was the largest producer of post-war housing in the Northwest. He was also instrumental in bring professional football to Seattle. DAN SAVAGE: Popular Seattle journalist whose column in the Stranger is now nationally syndicated. PAUL SCHELL: Seattle developer, Seattle Port commissioner, dean of UW School of Urban Planning and mayor of Seattle. FRANK SHRONTZ: Started with the Boeing Company in 1958 and served as vice president in charge of contract administration and planning starting in 1977. Later served as CEO until 1996 when he retired. He guided Boeing through the effects of the worst airline slump in history, implementing a sweeping cultural change in the company and guided the creation of the 777. HOWARD SCHULTZ: Developed Starbucks into a worldwide coffee business and lifestyle. Now the principal owner of the Seattle Sonics basketball team. ALFRED J. SCHWEPPE: Attorney and scholar, he served as president to the Washington State Bar Association. He was dean of the UW Law School and wrote the amendments to the Washington state constitution, requiring 60 percent majority on special levies. Schweppe also wrote the initiative that brought liquor-by-the-drink to Washington state hotels and restaurants. THE SCHWABACHER FAMILY: Early Seattle retail and wholesale giant who helped supply gold rush and later generations. GERARD SCHWARTZ: Conductor of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra. CHIEF SEATTLE: Namesake of the city, he was a Duwamish and Suquamish Indian leader. He remembered seeing Capt. George Vancouver's sails on Puget Sound when he was a youngster. His friendship with "Doc" Maynard led to the tiny community being named Seattle. Later in his life he allegedly converted to the Roman Catholic Faith, taking the name "Noah." THE SEATTLE SEVEN: The Seattle Seven were the leaders of the leftist group the Seattle Liberation Front. The SLF planned a demonstration protesting the anticipated conviction of the Chicago Seven (indicted for conspiracy in planning protests during the 1968 Democratic Convention). The protest leaders quickly lost control, and protesters began throwing rocks. The leaders were indicted for planning a riot. The 1970 trial was ruled a mistrial, and after walking out of court, the Seattle Seven were held in contempt of court. Shortly after the trial SLF disintegrated. MARTIN SELIG: A Seattle developer, built Columbia Seafirst Tower. HAROLD SHEFELMAN: Attorney, University of Washington Regent, community leader, influential in establishing location of the Century 21 Worlds Fair. DON SHERWOOD: Worked for the Seattle Parks Department and wrote an unpublished book about the history of the parks. ANDY SHIGA: Japanese-American merchant in the University District, he was instrumental in initiating the University District Street fair, which started in 1970. FRED SHORTER: Served as pastor in the Pilgrim Congregational Church. Shorter engaged in numerous charity efforts, starting a Skid Row mission to feed the hungry, establishing the People's Memorial Association, to provide inexpensive cremations and burials and dabbling in early versions of Planned Parenthood. DAVID E. SKINNER: Built three successful business, including Port Blakely Mill Co., a ship building business, and Alaska Pacific Salmon Co. GEOFF SMITH (FRUGAL GOURMET): Author and chef who popularized good cooking for a mass audience. GEORGE VENABLE SMITH: Founded Port Angeles. L.C. SMITH: Owner of the 42-story Smith Tower, which dominated the Seattle skyline between 1915 and 1968. MONICA SONE: Author of "Nisei Daughter," a book about Japanese internment camp experience. MARJORIE SOTERO: Activities director for Camp George during World War II. DICK SPADY: Founder, with two partners, of Dick's Drive In, which opened in Wallingford in 1954. JOHN SPELLMAN (1926- ): King County Executive from 1969 to 1981 when he was elected governor and served one term. WATSON SQUIRE: Governor of Washington in the 1880's. JOHN STANFORD (1938-1998): After 30 years of military service, he served as Seattle school superintendent. In his time as superintendent he became a spokesman for Seattle's children. He made a number of drastic changes to the system, ending the busing system, giving principals more fiscal and hiring power and beginning a citywide reading program. He inspired students, parents, teachers and business leaders. He died in 1998 of leukemia. VICTOR STEINBRUECK: A professor in the University of Washington School of Architecture, he was a key figure in recognizing the regional heritage in Seattle, particularly in Pioneer Square and the Pike Place Market. He was the leader of many preservation efforts in Seattle and a leader in the creation of "viewpoint" parks in Seattle. His sketch of the Seattle Space Needle became a reality and symbol of Seattle. His books include "Market Sketchbook" and "Seattle Cityscape." ISAAC I. STEVENS: First Washington territorial governor, spending long periods of time in the Seattle-King County area. In his position as Indian agent he negotiated controversial treaties with local Indian nations while looking for a railroad route across the Cascade Mountains. JAMES STEVENS: Wrote "Big Jim Turner," "Mattock" and his famous "Paul Bunyan." Many of his "Bunyan" characters and stories came from local loggers he met in Puyallup and Hoquiam. ELBRIDGE A. STUART: Created the Carnation Company, which initially focused on evaporated milk. Stuart eventually developed a dairy farm near Tolt, which was later renamed Carnation. In 1926, Carnation entered the fresh milk and ice-cream business. C.D. STIMSON: Originally from Michigan, Stimson came to the Pacific Northwest to find raw timber. He built sawmills on Salmon Bay (Ballard), invested in real estate and founded The Highlands, the exclusive North Seattle neighborhood. WILLIAM STREET: President of Frederick and Nelson, community leader. ANNA LOUISE STRONG: Raised on Seattle's Queen Anne Hill, Strong was a writer, radical journalist and a participant in the nation's only general strike, the Seattle General Strike of 1919. She was the first female member of the Seattle School Board, but was removed from her position in a recall vote. She spent the last years of her life in the Soviet Union and China. SAMUEL N. STROUM: Known for owning his own successful businesses, his enthusiastic backing of young, innovative entrepreneurs and as a generous philanthropist. He organized Almac/Stroum Electronics and developed Schuck's Auto Supply into a successful business. KENT STOWELL AND FRANCIA RUSSELL: Founders of the Pacific Northwest Ballet. FATHER BILL SULLIVAN: Long time president of Seattle University. HENRY SUZZALLO (1875-1933): Served as president of the University of Washington from 1915-1926. TAGISH CHARLIE AND SKOOKUM JIM: Found gold on Rabbit Creek in the Yukon starting the gold rush that changed Seattle's destiny. CHARLES TETSUO TAKAHASHI: One of three founders of the Oriental Trading Company. Before World War I, the company was one of the largest firms owned by Japanese Americans in the Pacific Northwest. His firm, directly or indirectly, was responsible for much of the physical development of Seattle's former Japantown, including the Nippon Japan Building (1907-1911) and the Hotel Panama (1910). Sabro Ozasa designed the Hotel Panama, Seattle's first architect of Asian heritage, recruited to the city by the Oriental Trading Company. CHARLES CARROL TERRY: Charles Terry followed his brother Leander Terry to the settlement of Alki. He named the area "New York Alki" or "New York by-and-by." Terry served as the trustee and president when "The Town of Seattle" was created by legislative enactment on January 14, 1865. Terry Avenue is named after him. LEANDER TERRY: Member of the original Alki landing party, he stayed only a winter and then left for New York. PAUL ALBERT THIRY: Principal architect for Century 21, the 1962 World's Fair. Thiry is credited with introducing European Modernism to the Pacific Northwest. Some of his other works can be found in St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church on Boyer Avenue and at the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI). ALICE B. TOKLAS: Toklas is best known for her life long friendship with writer and art collector Gertrude Stein. Toklas's father owned a Seattle mercantile business. Her autobiography includes memories of the University of Washington and a Snoqualmie Valley hop ranch. GEORGE TSUTAKAWA (1910-1997): He was an outstanding artist of Japanese American heritage. A native and longtime resident of Seattle, he was a recognized painter, sculptor and fountain maker. He created more than 75 fountains in major cities of the United States, Japan, and Canada. Although he is best known for his sculptural bronze fountains, he also was a noted painter. He taught at the University of Washington for more than 30 years, and received honorary degrees from Whitman College and Seattle University. WES UHLMAN: Mayor of Seattle in late 1960s and early 1970s. Instrumental in movement to save Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square and First Avenue. CAPT. GEORGE VANCOUVER: British naval officer who explored much of the Pacific Northwest, including Puget Sound, and charted many of its features. GEORGE F. VANDERVEER: Upon his arrival in Seattle in 1897, Vanderveer, a brilliant lawyer, devoted his life to defending the downtrodden. His clients were mostly Skid Road residents, many associated with the radical labor group known as Wobblies. During his time, he was known for defending his views with his fists in the streets. EDO VANNI: He began his career as a star outfielder for Queen Anne High School. At the University of Washington he was a place kicker for the football team, as well as an outfielder in baseball. He left the university early to sign with the Seattle Rainiers in 1938. He spent his entire career with the Rainiers as a player coach and manager. JAMES WASHINGTON, JR.: Influential folk artist and sculptor. EMMETT WATSON: Raised on the slopes of Beacon Hill, Watson played baseball for Franklin High School, the University of Washington and briefly in the semi-professional leagues. His sports reporting, newspaper columns, books and formation of the tongue in cheek "Lesser Seattle" organization placed him in the forefront of local observers of the Seattle scene. D.K. WEAVER: He guided the fortunes of the Seattle based spice and seasoning industry, Crescent Manufacturing. He was associated with the company for more than 60 years and spent the majority of that time as its president. ROB WELLER: Former UW Husky Yell King and Entertainment Tonight host credited with creation of the circular, undulating group cheer known as "The Wave." HULET WELLS: A socialist engineer, Wells was one of the founding employees at Seattle City Light. He ran for public office as a socialist. FREDERICK WEYERHAEUSER: Founded Weyerhaeuser Timber Co in 1900, with several investing partners. RICHARD WHITE: Co-founder of Foster/White Gallery and early progenitor of Seattle gallery scene. BERNIE WHITEBEAR: For several decades Whitebear was the acknowledged leader and fearless spokesman for the Puget Sound urban Indians. He waged a successful "invasion" of Fort Lawton in an attempt to get the United States Army and the United States Congress to allow Indians to have some portion of the land turned over to the city for Discovery Park. His success in getting a 99-year lease on some portion of the property led to his organization of United Indians of All Tribes, to provide various social services for urban Indians and the subsequent construction of the Daybreak Star Center. When he died in July 2000 he was buried in his U.S. Army Ranger Green Beret uniform in a pine casket lined with an Indian blanket. JIM WHITAKER: Raised in West Seattle, Jim was the first American to climb Mount Everest. He also served as president of Recreational Equipment International (REI), helping it to become one of the world's leading retailers of outdoor equipment. CHARLES WILKES: U.S. Navy explorer who named many geographic features in 1841. Made first survey of the Northwest. T.A. WILSON: Boeing CEO who saved the firm from bankruptcy by reducing the workforce in the 1970s, the famous "Boeing bust." At the time of Wilson's retirement in 1987 Boeing had emerged the largest aerospace company in the free world. ART WOLF: Celebrated nature and wildlife photographer based in Seattle. He has photographed nature and wildlife in the Northwest as well as throughout the world. HAZEL WOLF (1898-2000): A quintessential activist, she championed many causes in her 100 years. First an advocate of women's rights, she went onto support labor and environmental issues. BAGLEY AND VIRGINIA WRIGHT: Major supporters of non-profit arts organizations in the Seattle area. HOWARD WRIGHT: Developer and construction contractor. He was contractor for the Space Needle MINORU YAMASAKI: Architect, designed the Pacific Science Center, the IBM Building, the Rainier Tower and the World Trade Center MARION ANTHONY ZIONCHECK: Born in Austria, Zioncheck attended the University of Washington. He excelled at athletics and also served as UW student body president. After passing the state bar exam he won a seat in Congress. His mental deterioration and suicide (leaping from the Arctic Building in Seattle) were national stories.
Nominations submitted directly to The Times Nominee: Arthur Thompson What they did: Son in law to ferry boat Capt. Matthew McDowell, he guided huge ships into Seattle, then formed the Seattle Maritime Pilots Association, which is still in existence today. Nominated by: Ed Rollman Nominee: Howard Duff What they did: Actor Howard Duff was born in Bremerton but grew up in Seattle. He became one of radio's original "detectives" playing Sam Spade way back in 1948. He was a handsome leading man starring in a string of great movies until he got blacklisted during the McCarthy era. It took him over a decade to get his good name back and he never broke out of the B picture mold after being blacklisted. Nominated by: Ed Rollman Nominee: Nell Shipman What they did: She moved to Seattle from Bainbridge Island in about 1895 and became one of the city's fledging actresses. However, it was her pioneer work as the first female motion-picture director in early silent films that assured her a place in film history forever. Her films featuring environmental and feminist themes make her one of the most significant and important filmmakers of all time. Nominated by: Ed Rollman Nominee: Noreen Skagen What they did: Noreen Skagen was the first assistant chief of the Seattle Police Department. She began her police career in 1959, in what was then called the "Women's Bureau." When women in the Seattle Police Department were allowed to compete for promotion with male officers in 1973, Skagen rose through the ranks from sergeant to lieutenant, captain, major and finally to assistant chief in only eight years time. More often then not, she scored at the top of the promotional exams. At the time of her promotion to assistant chief in 1981, she was the highest ranking women police official of a major metropolitan police agency in the United States. Upon her retirement in 1989, she was nominated by President Reagan to become the U.S. Marshal for the Western District of Washington State. Skagen retired from this appointment in 1995. In addition to her distinguished career, Skagen has been active in numerous community and charitable organizations. Nominated by: Julie Berg Nominee: Sarah Latimer Boren Denny What they did: She married a Boren in Illinois and had three children. In 1849, she married John Denny in 1849. Arthur Denny married her daughter. They came out on the Oregon Trail as a group. John and Sarah stayed in Oregon as Arthur and Mary landed at Alki. David Denny later married her other daughter! Also, uncle William Latimer settled in Seattle a year before Arthur's party arrived. He went back to Illinois after a year, but came back to raise a family that would be a major force in founding Seattle First National Bank. Nominated by: Richard Connelly Nominee: Joe Patton Barron What they did: An Iowa farm boy, he became a Seattle businessman with a taste for business adventure that helped Seattle on its way to becoming a "big city." His family of seven brothers and two sisters settled in Sumner about 1920. By the mid-1930s, Joel Barron had left home and made a place for himself as president and CEO of Prudential Savings and Loan Association, a budding bank located at Third and Spring Streets in Seattle. Under his guidance, Prudential mushroomed into three other banks, the most noteworthy being in the University District, where Bank of America is now located. With the hard years that he Depression brought for banks, Barron decided to branch out into an entirely new field: a golf course. Enter Inglewood Country Club. The Barron family bought the floundering golf club in 1940 as a new business venture. The family moved into the upstairs apartments of the clubhouse. It was a family operation in every sense of the word. My grandmother Mary "Macky" Barron acted as clubhouse manager. The kids mowed the lawns. During the war years Barron leased the club to the Coast Guard, which housed personnel coming and going from the South Pacific to the Adak Islands in the Bering Straits. Joel Barron died in 1966. But in 1973, inspired by my grandfather Barron, his son Jack Barron took over the operations and decided to bring Inglewood into national prominence. The Club was already recognized as one of the true championship golf courses, thanks to my grandfather's creativity and tenacity, but new promotion was needed to bring it to deserved national attention. Jack contacted the PGA and with the help of Ed "Porky" Oliver, then ranked in the top "10" of national golfers and together they put Inglewood Country Club on the national map. Today, the Club remains one of the member-owned golf courses of national reputation. Nominated by: MaryAnn Barron Nominee: Wing Luke What they did: As the first Asian American elected official in the state and the Puget Sound area, Wing Luke provided an outstanding role model to others to follow. First elected to Seattle City Council in the 1960's, he championed fair housing and civil rights. He served the people of Seattle until his death in an airplane accident. Nominated by: Airyang Park Nominee: Aki Kurose What they did: A teacher and peace activist, she influenced many thousands of Seattle school children and was a beacon in this community for peace, justice and equality. She was honored with many awards, including a profile in Studs Terkel's book "Coming of Age." Nominated by: Chris Gaston Nominee: Gertrude Frazee What they did: A lifelong human rights activist, she lived from 1900-1984. She was a woman-suffrage activist, a co-founder of Seattle Gray Panthers, president of the Older Women's League and the founder and director of the Equal Defense Alliance. While involved in human-rights issues, she learned of a battered woman who was serving a long prison term for having killed, in self-defense, the adult stepson who was abusing her. Gertrude began working to free Janice Painter. With attorneys and others, she helped create the concept of battered-woman defense. Eventually, the battered woman's defense came to be invoked regularly in this city and state. Nominated by: Chris Gaston Nominee: Carrie Chapman Catt What they did: Founded the Women's Century Club in Seattle, and later became the national president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Nicknamed "the General," she was the president who formulated the "winning plan" which led to ratification, after 72 long years, of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment (the 19th) by which women secured the right to vote. Nominated by: Chris Gaston Nominee: Cynthia K. Gillespie What they did: Founder of the Northwest Women's Law Center and its first executive director, she was instrumental in formulating the basis for a defense for battered women accused of murdering those who battered them. She wrote a book called "Justifiable Homicide: Battered Women, Self-Defense and the Law," in 1989. The Law Center, under her direction, worked closely with battered women advocacy groups in this city and state to establish and enlarge the battered women's defense, which is now known nationwide. The Law Center worked on many legal issues of women's rights such as Title IX and rape law. Cynthia Gillespie died in 1993 at age 51 of breast cancer. Nominated by: Chris Gaston Nominee: Pat Artz, Zelda Boulanger, Esther Campbell What they did: These three women were members of Siwanu Toastmistress Club of Seattle. They often discussed women's rights and discrimination. In May 8, 1970, they established first National Organization for Women chapter in Washington. Zelda was elected president, and Pat and Esther became vice-presidents. Seattle NOW went on to initiate and lobby for many legislative changes, and is one of the oldest continuing NOW chapters in the country. Nominated by: Chris Gaston Nominee: Joseph T. Foster What they did: Joseph Foster came to the Duwamish Valley in 1853. He served as a territory legislator for 22 years 11 consecutive terms. The bill for which he is best known is the one whereby the University of Washington was located in Seattle rather than Olympia. He also introduced a bill extending voting rights to women. It was repealed soon thereafter, to be reinstated a few years later. He introduced a bill, which resulted in the first east-west route over the Cascades, now known as I-90. "Uncle Joe" was well-liked and respected and has several namesake in the area of Tukwila: Foster High School, Foster Golf Course, and Joseph Foster Memorial Park. He loaned money to Dexter Horton so he could open his bank, which became Seattle-First National Bank, eventually being bought by Bank of America. Nominated by: Sherry Steele Nominee: Ronald W Petty What they did: His sculpture, the Fisherman's Memorial at Fisherman's Terminal, is an impressive work. More importantly, it is a focus for members of the commercial fishing community and serves as a reminder of the sad events that befall commercial fishing. Nominated by: Chris Mooney Nominee: Goon Dip What they did: Goon Dip was a prominent turn-of-the-century Chinese businessman responsible for relocating Seattle's Chinatown in its present location. He helped develop economic ties to China by bringing in the labor force necessary to work the railroads and canneries of Washington and Alaska. He provided living arrangements for many of the new immigrants from China as they adjusted to living in Seattle. Nominated by: Bernie Kay Nominee: James D. Lowman (1856-1947) What they did: James D. Lowman landed at Yesler's wharf in 1877 when he was 21 years old. He came at the invitation of his cousin, Henry Yesler, mayor of Seattle. In only nine years, James Lowman went from a dock's assistant master to businessman. He opened Lowman and Hanford, a stationery and printing firm, owned banks, buildings, hotels and electric trolleys. James was the first President of the Seattle Theatre, helped found the Seattle Golf Club and was a charter member of the Seattle Tennis Club. He was also president of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce from 1909 to 1911 and was honored with a life membership in 1947 at age 91. He lived in his First Hill home for 66 years and bequeathed his mansion and property to the Seattle Swedish Hospital. On this property, there now stands the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Swedish Nursing Facility. Nominated by: Karin Harris Nominee: John Webster What they did: John Webster, a master blacksmith at Port Madison mills, was a charter member and the first Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge No. 9 F.& A.M. The Grand Lodge of the Territory of Washington issued St. John's charter on September 4, 1860. The Lodge was the first Masonic lodge in the city of Seattle and is the third oldest Pioneer Corporation in continuous operation in the city of Seattle. The Rev. Daniel Bagley and John Webster were very good friends as well as fraternal brothers and worked together to promote Seattle as a site for the Territorial University. On May 21, 1861 there was a Masonic cornerstone laid for the university. Webster and Bagley were among the first regents. Nominated by: Alexandra Rust Nominee: Thomas Church What they did: What is it like to turn 21 years old? For the average person it may be whiskey shots, kamikazes, and flaming Dr. Peppers. On my 21st birthday, Tom Church made history come alive. The is the greatest teacher ever. He is not looking for recognition, rather simply looking for someone to learn. He has shown me to overcome adversity before ever staring it in the eye. Nominated by: Kacey Church Nominee: Chojiro Fujii What they did: Chojiro Fujii arrived in Seattle in the late 1890's from a village in the outskirts of Hiroshima, Japan. He operated the "Fujii Hotel" at the corner of South King Street and Maynard Avenue South, in the heart of Seattle's Chinatown/International District. Although at the time it was against the law for Japanese to own land, live in certain areas of Seattle or become naturalized U.S. citizens, Chojiro still managed to help many immigrants arriving from Japan with their immigration papers. He eventually served as the first president of the Seattle (Japanese) Hotel Association. Chojiro's impact on Seattle's Japanese community lives on today. With Jiro Iwamura, he co-founded the Seattle Buddhist Church, the largest Japanese immigrant organization in the state of Washington at that time. Chojiro served as its first president for 10 years. Today, the Seattle Buddhist Temple remains a vibrant part of Seattle's Japanese community, hosting the annual Seafair event "Bon Odori" each summer. Nominated by: Minoru Fujii Nominee: Helene Madison (1913-1970) What they did: She won all three free-style swimming gold medals at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games when she was 19 years old. Madison, who started swimming at age 12 at Green Lake, hoped to cash in on her fame by exhibition swimming for pay. She signed a Hollywood contract but bombed. She sold sporting goods for a while. By the 1936 Olympics she was working at a hot-dog stand at Green Lake. The greatest swimmer of them all had been denied a job as a Park Department swim instructor because of a rule against women instructors. Years later, Madison battled diabetes and cancer in a basement apartment across from Green Lake, where it had all begun. A swimming pool in Seattle's North End bears her name. Nominated by: Ron Richardson Nominee: Gil Dobie What they did: In 1908, it took $3,000 to lure Gil Dobie to the University of Washington from North Dakota State to be a full time football coach. In Dobie, the University had found a fundamentalist, a no-nonsense perfectionist. He was a coach known to devote a whole practice session to perfecting one play. He often predicted disaster for his team before a game, earning the nickname "Gloomy." But from 1908 through 1916 the Washington football team was undefeated, winning 58 games and tying 3. It is still the longest undefeated streak in college football history. Nominated by: Ron Richardson Nominee: Jim Whitaker What they did: He was the first American to climb Mount Everest. He also helped establish Recreational Equipment Inc. and has served as a role model for many for his reverence of the outdoors. Nominated by: Caty Norton Nominee: Alexander Jay Anderson What they did: Alexander Jay Anderson was president of the University of Washington from 1877 to 1882. Along with his wife, Louisa Maria Phelps Anderson, he designed and implemented an ambitious curriculum, hired enthusiastic educators, secured lasting funding, established an enrollment open to women on an equal basis with men and set and enforced a high standard of discipline and academic excellence that are his lasting legacy to this day. Anderson also strengthened the University's relationship with the city by bringing the city's library to the campus. Nominated by: Peter Edelson, great-great grandson. Nominee: Pio DeCano Sr. (1894-1976) What they did: Pio DeCano was an early Filipino-American pioneer, arriving in the United States in August 1914. He was unable to find employment other than work as a house-servant, dishwasher, busboy, bowling-pin setter, gardener or other such tasks. He eventually found his way to Seattle, settling in this city in the early 1920s. He started to work in Alaska at this time during the salmon cannery season. By the mid-30s he had risen to prominence as a labor contractor and leader in the growing Filipino community. He became the first president of the Filipino-American community in Seattle in the mid 1930s. Because of the Washington State Alien Land Law, Filipinos were barred from owning property in the state. Pio DeCano challenged this law when property he owned was confiscated by the City of Seattle. He challenged the legality of the law and lost in the local courts. He appealed the case to the Washington State Supreme court and the court found in his favor, allowing Filipinos to own land legally in the state for the first time. Nominated by: Pio DeCano I I Nominee: Edward E. Carlson What they did: Going from bellhop at the old Benjamin Franklin Hotel to chairman and CEO of Westin Hotels and United Airlines, Eddie deservedly won the Horation Alger Award. But, he also took his business acumen to the community. He served as chairman from 1955 to 1963 of the Washington State Commission for the 1962 World's Fair. He created the Space Needle as the icon of the Fair, having drawn it on the back of a napkin in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1959 after seeing their revolving restaurant. He was designated "First Citizen" for his community activities in 1966. He served as chairman of the Pacific Science Center from 1963 to 1968 and honorary chairman through 1981. In 1976, President Ford appointed him a director of the National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. From 1977 to 1980 he was a member of Governor Lee Ray's Economic Council, and from 1981 to 1982 was a director of the Washington Public Power Supply System. He served as regent at both Seattle University and the University of Washington, where a Distinguished Professorship chair exists in his name. The UW gave him their highest honor in 1970, designating him alumnus summa laude dignatus. He is credited with turning UAL around from losing $46 million a year to making $86 million a year. Fortune magazine awarded him a place in their Hall of Fame for this turnaround. Nominated by: Dick James Nominee: James Lee What they did: The son of English emigrants to Canada, James Lee arrived in Seattle in 1888. Following the great fire in 1889, he started Lee's Pharmacy on the southwest corner of Second Avenue and Columbia Street, which he ran for 25 years. Lee's Pharmacy sold goods to prospectors during the Klondike Gold Rush, running ads which targeted their business such as "Klondycitis is a very prevalent disease which cannot be cured by medical science ... come see us before going North." He served on a committee to select a location for the UW when it moved north, was secretary of the state Board of Pharmacy and a charter member of the Seattle Athletic Club. Nominated by: Lynn Bragg, great-granddaughter Nominee: Alexander P. de Soto (1840-1936) What they did: He was a member of the Spanish Embassy in Washington, D.C., during the American Civil War and also served as a surgeon on a Union battleship. He operated a hospital ship (the Idaho, a sidewheeler) from 1900 to 1910. He was paid fifty cents per day for each patient by the city of Seattle. It was the predecessor of Harborview Hospital. Nominated by: Roy de Soto, grandson Nominee: The prostitutes of the 1800s What they did: They were the main reason that many men originally came to the Seattle area. Nominated by: Mark Potter Nominee: The Rev. Mark Matthews What they did: The Rev. Mark Matthews built the largest Presbyterian Church in the world in Seattle. He was a major voice in the cultural battle that took place here during the first two decades of the twentieth century. That battle pitted a middle-class culture against a working-class culture and translated itself into numerous elections as well as other social efforts to shape the ethos of the city. Although accused of meddling in politics too much, and often criticized for his style and methods, Matthews exerted enormous influence over the politics of his day as well as many of the social institutions. Childhaven was started by his church; the effort to build Harborview Hospital was led by Matthews; kindergartens, night schools, unemployment bureaus, and countless other ministries directed toward the poor came out of Matthews's church. Nominated by: Dale Soden Nominee: D. Kinsey What they did: He traveled around taking photographs of logging camps and the area that became Seattle and King County. Without those pictures, I do not believe that we would think about the work required to create our city and state as we know it. Nominated by: Rose Stockwell Nominee: Joseph James What they did: Recently the National Geographic television show found its way to Seattle to study Sylvester the Mummy, who makes his home at "Ye Ole Curiosity Shop," a 100-year-old Seattle landmark. If it were not for Joseph James (and his grandfather) the shop would not be around. Even at suggestions from well-meaning friends, that he should charge for entrance, Joe chooses to keep the pleasures of the "curious" open to all. Nominated by: Rose Reed Nominee: William B. Lance (1874-1962) What they did: His design and engineering of public schools saved an unknown number of lives. He owned and operated a contracting business in Seattle until about 1921. In his study of design Lance noticed an often fatal flaw in the heating and power systems of public schools. Public schools of the time, circa 1900, were heated and powered with steam. The steam boilers think of a steam locomotive without the wheels were placed in the center of the school building. Very often these boilers were placed under the gym. The key issue here is that boilers are pressure chambers and when things don't go perfectly, you have a several ton bomb filled with superheated water exploding in the center of a school. Lance's solution was to place the boiler on the outside of the school. Nominated by: Laurence Lance, grandson Nominee: George F. Vanderveer What they did: He was the defense attorney who won the Wobbly murder trial after the 1916 Everett Massacre. He personally wrote much of the state Criminal Code, defended Wobblies in Chicago against wartime sedition charges and defended Roy Olmstead for conspiracy to break the 1920 Prohibition laws. He also was instrumental in appealing the use of wiretapping as court evidence to the Supreme Court, which eventually led to new laws concerning the use of wiretapping for prosecutorial purposes. Nominated by: Lauron Lindstrom Nominee: Peter Kirk What they did: He was very influential in the growth and founding of Kirkland, the town named after him. Peter laid out the town and brought many businesses to the area. Through his vision and perseverance, a sleepy little village became a growing town on the shores of Lake Washington. Nominated by: David Cantrill Nominee: Bruce Pavitt What they did: It is my understanding that Sub Pop was created by Bruce Pavitt, who several years later become partners with Jonathan Poneman. I believe that Sub Pop began as a fanzine which alternated between publishing tapes and magazines each month. Later it became the title of Pavitt's record review column in The Rocket. I believe that Pavitt released the first Sub Pop compilation record in 1986, independent of Poneman. Nominated by: Julie Fay Nominee: Leonard Cobb and Michael Copass What they did: Doctors Cobb and Copass are the men who made Seattle "the best place in the world to have a heart attack," as "60 Minutes" said in 1974. In 1970, these two physicians created a system of pre-hospital emergency care that has not only saved countless lives in the Northwest but has also become a model followed around the world. An element in the Medic One program is the training of citizens to perform CPR. Since the program was started more than 600,000 people have been trained. Nominated by: Daryl Whitley Nominee: Dorothy Bullitt What they did: At a time you could count the number of televisions in hundreds not thousands, Dorothy Bullitt stepped up and began to construct a media empire. She greatly influenced our community by changing the way news was broadcast. The philanthropic work of her family continues in our community. She was a woman to be contended with at a time there were few women heading large companies. Nominated by: Kristin Kennell Nominee: Gordon Vickery What they did: He was the driving force in getting Medic One in the Fire Department. Many thousands of lives have been saved because of this. I remember when it could take 30 to 45 minutes to get an ambulance, and the people who were in them had nowhere near the training the personnel of Medic One have. Nominated by: Mary Robinson-Smith Nominee: Saul Haas (1896-1972) What they did: Journalist, newspaper owner, broadcaster and liberal political heavyweight. He owned the Seattle Union Record from 1925 until it folded in 1928. He managed Homer T. Bone's successful campaign for U.S. Senate in 1932 and was a major influence on Warren Magnuson. In 1935, he took control of KPCB and turned it into KIRO. Along with Dorothy Bullitt, he established the long Seattle tradition of public service in broadcasting. Nominated by: John Ross Nominee: Leo Lassen What they did: The voice of Seattle baseball from 1931 until 1960. For several generations of fans, Lassen's play by play WAS baseball in Seattle. Dave Niehaus has been calling baseball in Seattle almost as long as Lassen, hasn't he? Nominated by: John Ross Nominee: Lorenzo Milam What they did: Founder of KRAB radio in 1962. KRAB was among the earliest community radio stations in the country. More importantly, it was one of the voices and centers of the counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s. Nominated by: John Ross Nominee: Terry Pettus What they did: Radical journalist and leading light of the Floating Homes Association. In both capacities, he had a huge influence on the character of Seattle. Nominated by: John Ross Nominee: Gordon Tracie What they did: Musician, folklorist, teacher and founder of the Skandia Folkdance Society. Responsible for the thriving community of Scandinavian musicians and dancers in and around Seattle. Nominated by: John Ross Nominee: Kemper Freeman, Sr. What they did: Developer of Bellevue Square, and probably the man most responsible for the conversion of Bellevue from blueberry farms to an edge city. Nominated by: John Ross Nominee: The Trail Blazers What they did: The Trail Blazers is a volunteer organization based in Seattle that has been assisting Washington state fish and wildlife agencies manage high lake fisheries since 1933. The Trail Blazers' goal has been to help provide a quality high lake recreational fishery. This goal is pursued by carrying out fish introductions, fish surveys, trail maintenance, camp cleanup, public education on wilderness travel and fishing, cooperation with land and wildlife management agencies and other interest groups. The Trail Blazers have made history by naming 159 lakes and ponds in the Cascades after loved ones, natural features or whimsy. The Trail Blazers have made 3,880 fish introductions and 4,420 fish surveys over the last 71 years. Nominated by: Michael Swayne Nominee: H. E. Dickerman What they did: H.E. Dickerman was the principal of Edison Technical School, which later became Seattle Community College. He ran the college in the beginning years. Nominated by: Stair Dickerman Nominee: Bill Speidel What they did: In the early 1960s, Speidel explored rumored underground passageways in Pioneer Square and created the world-famous Underground Tour. He used the tour as a platform to generate interest in the preservation of Pioneer Square, collecting thousands of signatures from customers on petitions to create the Pioneer Square Historic District. Combining humor with history, Speidel was ahead of his time in the promotion of cultural tourism. Bill Speidel became one of Seattle's characters, known for his irreverent wit, warm personality and colorful tales. Nominated by: Dana Cox, Todd Baker Nominee: George Wyse What they did: As superintendent of the King County Parks, he helped acquire many parcels of land that eventually became outstanding beaches, family picnic areas and sports facilities. He was a sports official for baseball, football and basketball and was assigning secretary for football officials from youth through college games. He was a announcer for the Seattle Rainiers baseball team and for the Seattle Totems hockey team. He helped push Forward Thrust bond issues, brought Special Olympics to the area and started senior citizen programs. He coached Babe Ruth baseball, became president of the league and went on to become an international president. With Seattle, he started the Burke-Gilman trail. He received the Honored Fellow National Parks Award in Recreation and received a gold medal award by National Parks Association. Nominated by: Gertrude Wyse, wife of 60 years Nominee: Alexander Peabody What they did: In 1926, he joined his father's company, Puget Sound Navigation, and within three years became the president and general manager of the Black Ball line. Under his leadership, Black Ball quickly became the leading ferry company in the Sound. Among his many accomplishments, he brought the Kalakala to the Sound, a vessel that is just now being restored to its former glory. During the 1930s and 1940s, he led the company through many labor problems, a depressed economy and the war effort in Bremerton. In 1951, he sold the majority of the fleet to the State of Washington. Nominated by: Jim Roosevelt Nominee: George Vancouver What they did: This British explorer was the first to travel down the Puget Sound and map the area. He is responsible for naming many of the places in Western Washington, including Mount Rainier, Puget Sound and Elliott Bay. Nominated by: Todd Baker Nominee: Mary Ann Wells What they did: Mary Ann Wells ran a dance studio in Seattle that had such students as Robert Joffrey and Gerald Arpino. Many of the students came weekly for lessons in ballet and toe shoe. A lady played classical music on an upright piano. Two of the mothers were in charge of costumes for recitals. I can remember having toe shoes dyed to match the costume and the recitals were at the Moore Theatre. I think the first location of her studio was on Bell, near Denny and later she moved to an upstairs studio at about Eighth Avenue and Pine Street. When we got to about eighth grade, she offered ballroom dancing lessons that were given at the Women's University Club. Nominated by: Anne Gilbert Nominee: Paul F. Mulett and Herb Eickman What they did: Mulett started the chef school at the Edison Tech School in Seattle and Eickman was an instructor there. I went to chef school for two years at Edison Tech. I have also learned from Bruno Good, a chef for United Airlines at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport; Marser Forster, owner of the Seattle Pastry Shopp; Joseph Debmomd, a produce farmer; Tony Pircordo, produce farmer who donated land for P-patch gardens. I did ice carvings in Seattle for 35 years. Nominated by: Salvadore Benedict Nominee: John Graham What they did: Space Needle architect. Nominated by: Salvadore Benedict Nominee: George Tsutakawa What they did: Sculptor of fountains and other artwork in Seattle. Nominated by: Salvadore Benedict Nominee: Frederick E. Baker What they did: Baker was an early leader of the "New Order of Cincinnatus," the movement organized in 1933 to remedy "the sad state of local politics." His role in the 1936 elections of Arthur B. Langlie as mayor, and David Lockwood as councilman led to Baker's selection in 1940 to rescue the faltering gubernatorial campaign of Art Langlie. Langlie's come-from-behind election victory over Gov. C.C. Dill (by fewer than 2,000 votes) caught the attention of presidential candidate Wendell L. Willkie's aides, which led to Baker's next political involvement, as Willkie's Western chairman. Office holders who called on Baker to serve as either campaign chair, finance chair or strategist included Seattle mayors William Devin, Gordon Clinton and Dorm Braman; City Council members David Levine, Bobby Harlan, Mike Mitchell, Charlie "Streetcar" Carroll and Al Rochester; Congressmen Thomas Pelly, Jack Westland and Thor Tollefson, and Governors Dan Evans and Art Langlie. Baker died in 1989 at the age of 81. Nominated by: Bruce F. Baker
Nominee: Edward F. Wittler What they did: He retired from business in St. Louis in 1887 and came out to the Pacific Coast on a prospecting trip. Wittler was "sold" on Seattle. He joined Dr. E.C. Kilborne and pioneered in the platting and development of "Edgewater" on the north shore of Lake Union, now part of Fremont. he also bought a large area of woodland adjoining what is now Woodland Park in the Phinney Ridge district. The area east of Broadway was undeveloped. Wittler organized the Union Trunk Line to provide streetcars service for the district. Largely to develop business for the car line, Wittler developed Beacon Hill Park, which was virtually all of the north end of Beacon Hill. Next a large tract, now Madrona Park, was purchased and developed. He served as secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, helped establish the first YMCA building on upper First Avenue and was a early member of the Rainier Club. He died in 1917. Nominated by: Muriel Wittler Crawford, granddaughter
Nominee: James. T. Ronald What they did: Holding the offices of Prosecuting Attorney during the Chinese riots of 1885 and mayor of Seattle during the worst depression of the century did nothing for his political reputation. ("I was mayor from February 1892 to February 1894 and those two years were the most unhappy period of my life," he said). But in 1909, he was appointed to the King County Superior Court and held that position until April 1949 when he retired at age 94. During his career, Ronald was criticized for allowing women to sit on juries and obtain divorces in his courtroom, the first judge to do so as a matter of course. The Ronalds assisted in the building of Grace Methodist Church in Seattle, and Judge Ronald so influenced the development of the unincorporated area north of the Seattle city limits, (now the City of Shoreline) that numerous things were named after him during his lifetime, such as the Ronald Methodist Church, the Ronald School and the Ronald Interurban Station, for which he donated the property. Judge Ronald was an advocate of the construction of Highway 99. Nominated by: Victoria E. Stiles, the Shoreline Historical Museum Nominee: Andrew W. and Minna Piper What they did: The Piper family settled in Seattle in 1873. The family worked together in their bakery and confectionery located in Front Street near Cherry Street. Andrew was a city Councilman and also ran, unsuccessfully, for mayor. Minna Piper was the primarily gardener and orchardist in the family (they had 11 children) and some of the fruit trees she planted can still be viewed in Carkeek Park in the Piper Orchard. After the fire of 1889 the Piper family purchased a vacated logging camp in what is now Carkeek Park. When the original Carkeek Park was condemned by the Navy for Sand Point, Mrs. Piper's beloved "ranch" was condemned to replace Carkeek Park. Nominated by: Nancy R. Malmgren, Director Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project
Nominee: Thomas P. Revelle What they did: He came to Seattle in 1898 to serve as a minister at the First Methodist Protestant Church on Capitol Hill. Shortly thereafter, he earned his law degree at the University of Washington Law School. As a Seattle City Councilman from 1906 to 1911, Tom Revelle was best known as the founder of the Pike Place Public Market. When the first market building was dedicated on November 29, 1907, a fellow councilman introduced Revelle as "the father of the Seattle Public Market." He served in the 1920s as U.S. District Attorney for Western Washington and was best known for prosecuting Roy Olmsted for rum running. The case, which involved wiretapping, went to the U.S. Supreme Court. He also ran unsuccessfully in 1924 as the Republican nominee for governor. Nominated by: Randy Revelle
Nominee: Aaron Mercer (1824-1902) What they did: He traveled the 2,000 miles from Illinois to the Oregon Country in 1852 with his brother, Tom, Dexter Horton, John Pike, the Rev. Daniel Bagley and other early Seattle settlers. The Mercers settled in the Duwamish River Valley then moved to Cedar Mountain where Aaron was a mine superintendent. In 1869 Aaron explored the area on the east shore of Lake Washington, and moved his family to his homestead on the "Mercer" Slough. He was attracted to this land because of its proximity to coal mines, especially the Newcastle Mines. When he received his homestead patent in 1871, he sold it to Dexter Horton and Susannah Bagley and joined them in the mining venture. However, in the depression of 1873, the price of coal dropped and Aaron sold out and purchased property in the Duwamish River Valley. Aaron established a medical clinic at Cedar Mountain, a village in Maple Valley, King County. He also built the Mercer Methodist Chapel where Dexter Horton taught Sunday school. He died in 1902 in Seattle. Nominated by: Dolores Graham Doyle, great granddaughter
Nominee: Lissie May Mercer Russell (1869-1947) What they did: Lissie was born May 5, 1869, the daughter of Aaron and Ann Mercer. She married Monroe Russell in 1889 and raised her children using the skills and wisdom of a pioneer mother. She raised vegetables and fruit in her yard and canned on a wood stove. She applied the folk medicine she had learned from her father and mother, including herbal teas and tinctures. She made her children's clothes and adorned her house with her homemade rag rugs. For her four daughters and her grandchildren she made dolls and game pieces from clothespins, wrapping paper, wood scraps and catalogs. She was a conservationist and recycled long before it was stylish. Nominated by: Dolores Graham Doyle Nominee: Peter Frederick Nordby What they did: Leaving Norway in the early 1880's with his two brothers, he arrived in Port Townsend. After several years working for C.C. Bartlett, he left to set up his own ship chandlery business. In 1891, he purchased 187 acres on Marrowstone Island. He moved to Seattle and founded Nordby Supply, which served fishing boat and other marine-related businesses from Seattle to Alaska until recently. Moving to Port Orchard in 1904, he was a founder and first president of the Kitsap County Bank, served on the City Council and was a highly successful businessman owning a block of downtown Port Orchard. He died at the age of 54, leaving his wife Anna and four children. Nominated by: Marilyn Low Fite, granddaughter
Nominee: James C. Buttain What they did: He arrived in Seattle in 1868 and at one time owned seven vessels, the largest fleet on the Sound. His ships carried cargo and mail all around this area. Nominated by: Vevette Cooperstein, great-granddaughter
Nominee: Joseph "Joe" Gandy What they did: He moved to Seattle from Spokane at age 22 to attend the UW Law School. A successful lawyer, he also was secretary treasurer of Smith Gandy Ford, a longtime downtown business. He was president of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and, in 1959, served as King Neptune for Seafair. He campaigned for a domed stadium, believing it would be a huge asset for the community. His most visible contribution to Seattle was as president of the Seattle Century 21 Expo which produced the 1962 World's Fair. He was given Seattle's First Citizen of 1962 award. He died in 1971. Nominated by: Betty McCoy
Nominee: K. Alvin Merendino What they did: In 1981, Dr. K. Alvin Merendino was named Professor Emeritus of Surgery in honor of his distinguished career at the University of Washington Medical School. Acknowledged worldwide as a forefather of modern cardiac surgery, Dr. Marinading performed the first open-heart operation in the western United States at Seattle's King County Hospital in 1956. He and his university colleagues developed the heart-lung machine oxygenator, allowing surgeons to repair heart defects which were previously inoperable. This technology, along with his pioneering research on the heart and related fields, helped lay the foundation upon which modern cardiac surgery was built. Nominated by: Cira Watts Nominee: Dave Beck What they did: Shortly after Navy service in World War I, he joined the Teamsters Union in Seattle and began a rapid rise in Seattle labor circles during the turbulent 1920s and '30s. He was elected to the International Union's executive board in the '30s and was named executive vice president in 1947. When he became the leader of the Teamsters in 1952, he was called the most influential and powerful labor leader in the United States. In 1957, Beck was convicted by a Washington state court of embezzling $1,900 from the sale of a used car owned by the union. He was also convicted in 1959 of filing a fraudulent tax return and spent 2-1/2 years in prison on McNeil Island. He was later pardoned by President Ford and Washington Gov. Albert Rosellini. As a regent of the University of Washington, Beck had been instrumental in getting legislative support for building the UW Medical School in the late '40s and early '50s. President Eisenhower appointed Beck to a national commission to build the nation's first interstate freeway system which was started in the 1950s. With Emil Sick, Beck spurred the community project to save St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral. Nominated by: James T. Hughes, former director U.S. Department of Labor, Regions IX and X and former director of State of Washington, Department of Labor and Industries.
Nominee: Warren Littlejohn What they did: He was an English teacher at Lincoln High School during the 1950s and '60s, very much respected by students and faculty a black man in a white school. Nominated by: Margaret Lemberg Nominee: James J. Hill What they did: James J. Hill was responsible for bankrolling the Great Northern Railroad and connecting Seattle with the rest of the country. This greatly improved transportation and shipping to the Seattle area and Eastern Washington. This is one of the major events in the 1890's that led to Seattle's greatest population boom. Nominated by: Todd Baker Nominee: John N. Low What they did: He arrived on Alki on September 28, 1851, when he was thirty-one years of age, with David Denny and Lee Terry. John and David had walked from Portland to Olympia. There they were joined by Lee Terry from New York. They secured a boat ride with Captain Fay for an exploratory trip to locate a homesite on Puget Sound. On Alki, they laid the foundation for John's cabin, and John hired David and Lee to finish it while he returned for his family. John's family was in Portland with the Denny and Boren families. They had met on the Oregon Trail in Idaho. In Portland, they met the Bell family and Charles Terry, Lee's brother. They all, except John Denny's family, decided to join the Lows on Puget Sound, booking passage on the Schooner Exact. November 13, 1851, the Alki Landing Party arrived. For several days these twenty-four pioneers shared Low's one-room cabin. Nominated by: Ruth Foster Moore, great granddaughter Nominee: Giovanni Costigan What they did: He was a University of Washington history professor whose humane, scholarly and eloquent lectures sparked a passion for truth within generations of students. His historic debate with William Buckley in the '60's, his public evening programs at Kane Hall and his travel tours to historic old world sites brought his knowledge and wisdom about the past to a wider audience. He was devoted to the cause of peace, speaking out at every opportunity. Riding his bicycle all over campus, he modeled environmental prudence well before most of us were aware of environmentalism. His "History of Modern Ireland" is a must-read for anyone wishing to understand the present-day Irish conflicts. Although steeped in knowledge of the past, Costigan was acutely aware of present day events and was always able to place them in context and provide a brilliant interpretation. Nominated by: Edna Peak Nominee: James Colman What they did: James Murray Colman, an immigrant from Scotland, built a shipping dock on the waterfront and a creosoting plant where Union Station stands today. The Seattle fire of 1889 destroyed his mill and dock. He immediately built the brick Colman building upon the ashes at First Avenue. He built the Colman Dock on the waterfront, and today the Washington State Ferry terminal operates there. In 1905, he bought 17 acres at Fauntleroy and persuaded several families from Seattle's Plymouth Congregational Church to build summer cabins in the cove. It soon became a permanent, if isolated, community. Upon James Colman's death in 1906 his son, Laurence Colman, took over the management of the Colman business interests which included mining, real estate, shipping, and the creosoting works. In 1940 the Colman family donated money for building Colman pool in Lincoln Park. Nominated by: Ron Richardson Nominee: John McGilvra What they did: In the 1850's John McGilvra had a law office adjoining another Illinois lawyer, Abraham Lincoln. As President, Lincoln appointed McGilvra to the position of United States Attorney for the Territory of Washington. In 1864, McGilvra bought 420 acres of property along the Lake Washington shoreline for $5 an acre when sections of territorial land were sold to finance the territorial university which became the University of Washington. He cut a road from downtown to his forested property, which came to be known as Madison Park. McGilvra served in the Territorial legislature and for a time was city attorney for Seattle. In 1884, the Lake Washington Ship Canal was begun with the backing of David Denny, John Mercer and McGilvra. McGilvra gave 60 acres of his land to support the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad which never reached Walla Walla but did manage to get as far as the coal-fields at Renton and Newcastle. McGilvra set aside 24 acres of land at Madison Park for public use, platted more land for cottages, then built `attractions' on the lakeshore to bring customers for his land sales. Enough people were in the community by 1891 that McGilvra sold land to the Seattle School District for a public school that one day came to be called McGilvra School. In the 1890's McGilvra's lakeshore resembled an amusement park where one could find music and drama, Seattle's first professional baseball field, a wooden promenade, public gardens, concession stands, boat rentals and a beer hall. McGilvra spent $50,000 to subsidize the Madison Cable Line to connect downtown and Madison Park. Nominated by:Ron Richardson
Nominee: Claude G. Bannick What they did: A native of Iowa, he joined the Seattle Police Department after military service in the Spanish-American War, served as a mounted patrolman and rose to the rank of captain. Known as the department's "most honest police officer," he was picked by acting Mayor Bertha Landes in 1924 to lead her anti-vice crusade when she took control the day Mayor Edwin Brown left town on a business trip. Brown's business trip was cut short, he hurried back to town and sent Landes back to her post as City Council president and Bannick to police administration duties. But the coup paid off for Landes and Bannick, who were elected Seattle mayor and King County Sheriff, respectively, in 1926, the height of Prohibition. In his first three years of office, Bannick's deputies made 2,350 liquor-violation arrests, seized 100,000 gallons of illicit liquor and confiscated 100 automobiles used by bootleggers. He was reelected in 1930, and then ran for governor as a Republican in 1932, when Franklin D. Roosevelt led a nationwide Democratic landslide, which buried Bannick as well. He died in 1957 at the age of 81. Nominated by: Ellen Bannick
Nominee: Louisa Boren Denney (1827-1916) What they did: She left her safe Illinois home to travel across the country in a covered wagon, arriving with the Denny Party at Alki Point on Nov. 13, 1851. She was Seattle's first bride, marrying David Denny. She was a friend of the Indians and a champion of women's suffrage. She lived to see Seattle grow from a lone cabin to a major city that could boast of the tallest building west of the Mississippi, the Smith Tower, built in 1914. Nominated by: Andrew J. Harris
Nominee: Doug Welch What they did: As a columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, he took such boring topics as Seattle Parks Department Board meetings and converted them into the quirky humor that is a big part of Seattle and the Northwest. Even as a junior-high schooler, I found my days were not complete without my daily fix of Doug's not-so-fictitious neighborhood, the Squirrel Cage. Those new to the Seattle area could gain some entertaining insight to what makes native Seattleites tick by reading Welch. Nominated by: Gregg Haughian
Nominee: Stan Sayres What they did: His 1950 unlimited hydroplane victory in Detroit in Slo-mo-shun IV resulted in five years of dominance in the sport. Her sister ship, Slo-mo-shun V, was nearly equal in victories. The Seafair regattas are a continuing legacy, with the park, where the pits are located, a namesake of his. Nominated by: Michael J. Callahan
Nominee: Amelia Condon Abrams (1902-1988) What they did: Along with her husband, Richard Abrams, she founded the West Coast Paper Company in 1929, which has grown from a very small beginning to a leading company in the Pacific Northwest. Nominated by: Susan Brackett Bell, granddaughter
Nominee: Oliver Shorey (1831-1900) What they did: Oliver Shorey arrived in Seattle around 1860 after he was commissioned by the territorial governor to carve four entrance columns for the Territorial University of Washington. The columns are still at the current University of Washington and are labeled Loyalty, Industry, Fidelity and Enery (LIFE). Shorey was also a fine furniture and cabinet maker, and the first undertaker in Seattle.
Nominated by: Sara Chaney, great-great-great niece
Nominee: Dr. Henry Smith What they did: Dr. Henry Smith was an early settler of Seattle, arriving here in 1852. He was a physician who used his skills on the wagon train trip from the Midwest, in Seattle and in Snohomish, where he cared for Native Americans as he developed tidal land there. He was involved in Seattle politics, served as chair of the school board and envisioned the intercontinental railroad at Interbay many years before it actually became reality. He was a poet, an inventive gardener and devoted father of seven children. His most known achievement was his controversial "translation" of Chief Seattle's speech. Smith Cove, the site of his early home, is named after him. Nominated by: Jill Ragsdale
Nominee: Judge Arthur E. Griffin What they did: Judge Arthur E. Griffin arrived in what is now Enumclaw in 1884. Together with partner John Blake he opened the town's first general store on what is now Griffin Avenue opposite the Lee Hotel. Arthur "read law" to prepare the actual incorporation documents for the city of Enumclaw and became the city's first justice of the peace, postmaster and surveyor. When Washington was admitted as a state in 1889, he moved his family to a 14-acre farm on Queen Anne Hill. He spent three years in Alaska (leaving his family behind) during the Gold Rush starting in 1897. When he returned to Seattle he ran for and was elected to the King County Superior Court where he served for many years. He also owned a hotel in what is now the International District and a building in the Pike Place Market. He died in December of 1947 at the age of 85. Nominated by: Tren Griffin
Nominee: Roy Olmsted What they did: The king of the rum runners, he owned the first radio station. When Seattle was thirsty, he helped. Nominated by: John Mcfarlane
Nominee: Herman Goetz What they did: In 1926, Herman Goetz was 59 years old, a successful Seattle contractor and real-estate investor and, one would think, looking forward to a quiet retirement. But, instead of retiring, Herman Goetz decided to start a steel mill, Northwest Steel Rolling Mills. This steel mill was operated by the third and fourth generations of his family up until 1987, when it was sold. Goetz immigrated to Seattle in 1887 from Rastatt, Germany, and first worked in the city as a brick and stonemanson. After a few years, he entered into his first partnership, among many, with James R. Stirrat. The firm Stirrat & Goetz was involved in laying the first piece of asphalt in the city. Nominated by: Jerrold H. Goetz
Nominee: Harry H. Keith (1887-1968) What they did: He was a Seattle and Central Puget Sound historian, a sculptor, artist, pattern-maker and designer. He lived in Seattle and Kitsap County from pre-statehood and worked for the City of Seattle early in the 20th century. His most famous work, in 1909, was designing and carving the Chief Seattle bust water fountain still standing in Seattle's Pioneer Square. It has three levels, one for man, another for horses and a third for dogs. Nominated by: Keith Birkenfeld, grandson Nominee: Jacob Maple What they did: He was the first white settler in King County, filing claim for his property where Boeing Airfield is now in September 1851. The Denny Party filed their claim in November 1851. Nominated by: Shirley Balcom, great-great granddaughter
Nominee: David T. Denny (1832-1903) What they did: David Denny was the first Denny to set foot on the shores of Puget Sound. He served in the organized militia, as a regent of the University of Washington, King County Treasurer, Probate Judge, Seattle School Board member and Seattle City Councilman. A respected businessman, Denny developed and consolidated the Seattle streetcar system. Nominated by: Andrew J. Harris
Nominee: Dale E. Turner What they did: For over 50 years he has enhanced many people's lives from the pulpit at the University Congregational Church in the University District. Since his retirement, he has written a weekly column in The Seattle Times. Nominated by: Alice S. Meyers
Nominee: Thomas Thompson What they did: A chemical oceanographer, he is responsible for the University of Washington's Oceanography School's formation and its growth to international acclaim. He was an influential person in Seattle's scientific community from when he first came to Seattle in 1915 to his death in 1961. Nominated by: Harriet Thompson
Nominee: Wayne D. Larkin What they did: As a two-term Seattle City Council member during the 1970's, he was able to bring people together, reach consensus and foster change. Results of his persistence and dedication include the Vietnam and Korean War Memorial on the granite walls of the Public Safety Building, Medic One and 911, Seattle's burn center, the police department's K-9 unit and the Utility Payment Exemption Program for Seattle's Economically Disadvantaged. In his career with the city, he served as fire fighter, police officer, and City Council member. Nominated by: Melody Mociulski
Nominee: Caspar W. Sharples (1866-1941) What they did: He opened a medical practice in Pioneer Square in 1890 and eventually became the medical superintendent of Seattle General Hospital, president of the King County Medical Society and the Washington State Medical Association. He organized the first medical staff for Children's Orthopedic Hospital while serving in various executive positions from 1908 to 1940. As a member of the Seattle School Board from 1922 to 1931, he oversaw construction of Cleveland, Garfield and Roosevelt high schools; Hamilton, Marshall and Monroe junior highs and four elementary schools. In honor of his work, a new junior high was named after him in 1952. The school was renamed in 2000. Nominated by: Greg Dziekonski
Nominee: Dudley C. Carter (1891-1992) What they did: As a wood sculptor, he was recognized as an accomplished interpreter of Northwest Coast Native Art. Although not of native ethnic origin, he was considered instrumental in preserving native art. His first monumental work, "Rivalry of the Winds," was purchased for the new Seattle Art Museum in 1932. At least 38 of his carvings are on public display in the Seattle area. When he was 96, he was named King County's first artist-in-residence, a role he vigorously maintained until his death at the age of 100. Nominated by: 'Lyn Fleury Lambert
What they did: He came to Seattle in 1888 and later moved on to the Snoqualmie Valley. He began as a carpenter and saloon keeper in the Snoqualmie Valley, served as the first Mayor of North Bend, ran a successful livery stable and "retired" as owner of one of King County's first and most successful auto camps, Maloney's Grove, near North Bend. Nominated by: Georgeann Malowney
Nominee: Robert Moran What they did: He arrived in Seattle in 1875 at the age of 18 and started work as an engineer on boats around Puget Sound and Alaska. In 1882, he opened a marine repair shop. He was elected to Seattle City Council in 1887, was mayor in 1889, the year of the Seattle fire and re-elected in 1890. After the fire, he rebuilt the marine repair shop, which became Moran Brothers Co., where many ships were repaired and built. In 1898, he built and personally delivered a fleet of Yukon River boats to St. Michael, Alaska. In 1901, he bid and obtained the contract for the building of the battleship "Nebraska," the only battleship built on the West Coast. At that time, the shipyard had 1,000 employees. The Nebraska was launched in Seattle on Oct. 7, 1904. Moran sold Moran Brothers Co. and retired to Orcas Island, where he later gave 5,000 acres of land, which is now Moran State Park. Nominated by: Betty Burns
Nominee: John Mueller What they did: He came to Georgetown from Germany in 1891 and was superintendent of the Seattle Brewing and Malting Company, established in 1893. Georgetown was incorporated in 1904, and Mueller served as its first and only mayor. He established the Georgetown Volunteer Fire Department, the Georgetown City Hall and the city's lighting and sewer systems. He also led a fight to close houses of prostitution that had been banned in Seattle and had moved to Georgetown, an effort that included being struck with brass knuckles by a roadhouse manager. Nominated by: Jean Dahl, granddaughter, who still has the loving cup presented to Mueller from Georgetown's City Council after Georgetown was annexed to Seattle in 1910.
What they did: He founded the brewery that later became Rainier Brewery. He came to Seattle in 1875 and found a spring of pure water at the base of Beacon Hill. In 1878, he established the Bayview Brewing Company at the site. He carried the first barrels of beer by rowboat to the foot of Jackson Street and then on his back to the business center at First Avenue and Washington Street. He became a trustee of the Seattle and Lake Washington Waterways Co., with his prime interest filling the tideflats where much industrial development has occurred. In 1898, he was elected to the state senate and served two terms. He was a trustee for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909. Nominated by: Jean Dahl, granddaughter
Nominee: William Franklin Devin (1898-1982) What they did: A graduate of Lincoln High School, he served in an Army ambulance unit in World War I and later received his law degree from the University of Washington. He was elected mayor of Seattle three times starting in 1942. He led the city's transition from a wartime footing to a peace-time economy as thousands of military personnel returned to the West Coast. He urged employers to give jobs to Japanese-Americans returning from internment, and was one of the first American city executives to visit Japan after WWII. He returned to law practice after his tenure as mayor. Nominated by: W. Keith Jones Nominee: Herman Henry Mollenstadt What they did: He was 35 when he came to Seattle in 1901 with with his wife, Dora, and their three children. Ten months later, he had steady work at the Moran Shipyards, had purchased a lot on Beacon Hill, enrolled his children in the Lutheran Church School at 22nd and East Union and had buried his wife, who suffered from tuberculosis, in Mount Pleasant cemetery on Queen Anne Hill. He remained a single dad and saw to his children's needs while working fulltime at the shipyard. Seattle would not have grown without his efforts and the efforts of the many others like him. He is a worthy representative of the non-entrepreneurial working class, who, as a group, were most influential in the growth of Seattle.
Nominated by: Muriel V. Standeven-Foster, granddaughter
Nominee: Christopher T. Bayley What they did: In 1970, at age 32, he defeated incumbent King County Prosecutor and political powerhouse Charles O. Carroll in the Republican primary and went on to be elected Prosecuting Attorney. Bayley's office convened a County Grand Jury (there has not been one since) to investigate the notorious police payoff system and tolerance policy. The investigation and resultant prosecutions effectively ended those practices and allowed Seattle and its police department to establish a tradition of internal integrity that carries over to this day. Also, Bayley changed the Prosecutor's office from a political to a professional office, started one of the first white-collar crime divisions in the nation and built a civil division that could effectively represent King County. These reforms made permanent positive changes in how our local government operates. Nominated by: Patrick Dunn Nominee: Luke McRedmond (1818-1898) What they did: He came to the Puget Sound area in 1851 and was a member in 1857 of the convention that elected Isaac Stevens first Washington Territory representative to Congress. From 1869 to 1871, he lived in Seattle. He obtained the first land patent in what is now Redmond (named for him) in 1870. Nominated by: Georgeann Malowney and Diana Morelli, great-granddaughter.
Nominee: Walter Sheppard Fulton (1873 - 1924) What they did: He was only 8 when he came to the northwest to live with his uncle, Judge William White. He became a partner in the law firm of White, Fulton & Munday. He was elected King County prosecuting attorney at a time when bitter struggles were fought for patronage and for control of wards and the government of the city of Seattle. He retired from the office in 1903, declining to accept a renomination. After he left the office, he became a successful criminal attorney. Nominated by: Georgeann Malowney, who would be thrilled to hear from any descendents of Walter Fulton
Nominee: Captain James Nugent (1845 -1918) What they did: He was 22 in 1867 when he decided to come to the Puget Sound country. He first located at Port Madison and not long afterward purchased the sailing sloop J. C. Caswell and obtained a contract for carrying the mail from Olympia to Seattle. Later he became owner of the steamer Success, which for years he operated between Seattle and Port Blakely. He then became owner of the Seattle, and still later of the steamer Michigan and was one of the most familiar figures in connection with the shipping industry in the Northwest. He invested heavily in property in Seattle, profited by these investments and in 1896 retired from active service on the Sound in order to give his entire attention to the management of his property interests. Nominated by: Georgeann Malowney, who would like to hear from any descendents to share family photos.
Nominee: Emil Sick (1894-1964) What they did: He was chairman of the board of the Rainier Brewery. In 1937, he bought the Seattle Indians baseball team and renamed them the Rainiers. The team won three straight pennants in the Pacific Coast League in 1939, 1940, and 1941, and two more in the 1950s. The Rainiers were very popular with their loyal Seattle fans. He also started work on a new steel and concrete baseball stadium in Rainier Valley, south of downtown. Sick's Seattle Stadium opened in June 1938. For years, fans crowded the stadium or watched from the slopes overlooking the outfield. Nominated by: Diana Morelli, step-daughter, and Georgeann Malowney, Diana's cousin and genealogist
Nominee: Martha White Gardner Sick (1899 -1992) What they did: Martha was the daughter of Judge William and Emma McRedmond White. She grew up at the Hotel Redmond, meeting many prominent visitors, including President Taft. She was gifted with an incredible voice and would sing to visitors and workers at the hotel, located on the homestead of her grandfather, Luke McRedmond. Mrs. Sick was associated with a variety of civic endeavors, including the Seattle Opera Guild, of which she was a founder. She was a member of the National Council of the Metropolitan Opera and often was instrumental in bringing premier vocalists and musicians to Seattle. In 1921, she married Raymond Locke Gardner, a former University of Washington Husky football captain who became a prominent lumberman. He died in 1961. In 1963, she married Emil Sick. Nominated by: Georgeann Malowney, cousin, and Diana Morelli, daughter. Nominee: William Fitzgerald What they did: He was the Seattle Fire Chief from 1938 to 1962. He rose through the ranks and was a 2nd Battalion Chief when Mayor Art Langlie appointed him to the post. He was steady and loyal to the department and well-loved by his charges. An internal Seattle Fire Department history cites as an example of his dedication how he directed operations through the night during the massive Seattle Cedar lumber mill fire of 1958. Nominated by: Richard Walimaki, ex SFD captain, 1955 to 1991
Nominee: Morgan J. and Emily Carkeek What they did: Morgan was a stone mason who came to Seattle in 1875 and opened the Puget Sound Stone Yards and later, the Pontiac Brick and Tile Company. He erected, among many other buildings, the Dexter Horton Building, the first stone building in Seattle. After the Great Fire of 1889, Pontiac Brick essentially rebuilt Seattle they could barely keep production up with the demand for material. He was also on the first board of directors for the Seattle Electric Railway. He and his wife donated the original land at Sand Point for a park in 1918 and it was called Carkeek Park until the land was condemned by the Navy in 1926 for the Naval Air Station. At that point, Morgan Carkeek donated $25,000. An area called Piper's Canyon was purchased, along with an area along the beach and that was named Carkeek Park in honor of Carkeek's donation. That is now the present site of Carkeek Park. Nominated by: Victoria Jager Kenna Nominee: Judge William Henry White (1842-1914) What they did: His arrival in the Washington Territory in 1871 as a judge was the beginning of a long judicial career. In 1876, he was elected prosecuting attorney of the Third Judicial District. In 1885, he was appointed by President Cleveland as United States District Attorney for the territory of Washington. When mobs in Seattle in 1886 tried to force Chinese people onto ships and out of town, White ran to the docks and ordered the police to break up the mob. They refused. He ordered the crowd to disperse, and they refused. He then ran to Engine House Number One to sound the alarm and call out the Home Guard, despite efforts by the mob to stop him. The Home Guard turned out, and stepped in to guard the Chinese. In 1883 he was sent to persuade Congress that Seattle should become the western terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad. He was appointed to the Washington Supreme Court in 1900. His stature, oratorical skills, shocking white mane of hair and his imposing presence on his white horse as he campaigned throughout King County in 1884 earned him the lasting nickname "War Horse Bill." Judge White was prominent in persuading Seattle to build a large central school to raise the status of education. He contributed a part of his Avondale homestead for Avondale's first school. Nominated by:Diana Gardner Morelli, granddaughter Laura Crews and great-granddaughter Georgeann Malowney, cousin Nominee: Rev. Daniel Bagley What they did: The Rev. Daniel Bagley was recognized as "The Father of the University of Washington" by his contemporaries. The Bagleys came to the Oregon Territory in 1852 in the wagon train that included Tom Mercer, Aaron Mercer and Dexter Horton. But Daniel Bagley and his family stayed in the Dalles area until 1859 when they moved to Seattle. In 1860, he was named to the new commission to determine the location of the new university. He was named chairman and performed most of the active work of selling land and constructing the first building within a year. Many saw the prospect of locating the university in Seattle as little more than a bargaining chip that could be traded away later in return for locating the territorial capital in Seattle. But Bagley was convinced the university was something far better than a capital and eventually convinced other city fathers. Nominated by: Mary H. Bagley, great granddaughter-in-law, and Jean Birdsall
Nominee: Clarence Bagley What they did: Son of Rev. Daniel Bagley, he was the first student enrolled at the University of Washington. He wrote a three-volume history of Seattle and King County. Nominated by: Mary H. Bagley, granddaughter-in-law, and Jean Birdsall
Nominee: Albert D. Rosellini What they did: He was elected to the state Senate in 1938 at the age of 28. He was governor from 1957 to 1965, before being defeated by Dan Evans during an attempt for a third term. He lost a run for King County executive in 1968. His final race was a run for governor in 1972. As a legislator and as governor, he played a huge role in developing the University of Washington's medical and dental schools. The real name of the Evergreen Point floating bridge is the Albert D. Rosellini Bridge. One of Rosellini's first act as governor in 1957 was an executive order to build it where it is now, ending years of squabbling over where to put it. The Tacoma native was only the second Italian-American ever elected chief executive of a state. And he was the first Catholic governor of a state west of the Mississippi.
Nominated by: Victoria Jager Kenna
Nominee: Mark Tobey (1890-1976) What they did: Internationally acclaimed artist who lived in Seattle from 1922 to 1930 and again from 1938 to 1960. In 1918 he converted to the Baha'i faith and from then on his work was largely inspired by Oriental art and thought. He developed a distinctive style of painting that he called "white writing," characterized by calligraphic white patterns over dim suggestions of color. He was part of four artists dubbed the "Mystic Painters of the Northwest" in a 1953 Life magazine feature. Along with Morris Graves, Guy Anderson and Kenneth Callahan, Tobey epitomized not necessarily a style of painting but a philosophical outlook that combined Eastern religious beliefs and a deep appreciation of the cycles of the natural world. Nominated by: Victoria Jager Kenna
Nominee: Seth Jackson What they did: Served in the Army Air Force during World War II, and then graduated from Washington State University in 1952. Went to work for W.C. Nickum and son, naval architect, and helped in preliminary plans for the "Evergreen State" prototype for the Washington State Ferries. Continued work on the prototype for Puget Sound Bridge and Dredge. As a volunteer on the Mount Baker Community Club starting in 1961, he led efforts for a tunnel approach to the I-90 bridge rather than cut-and-fill construction through the Mount Baker Ridge. Nominated by: Colleen Jackson, his wife
Nominee: Dr. Willis H. Corson What they did: He was 8 years old when he arrived in Seattle with his grandfather, attended Denny School and the University of Washington when it was still located downtown. In his last year at the UW, he was captain of the varsity football team. With his fraternity brothers at Sigma Nu, he shoveled a ditch that was a start on the Montlake cut. After he received his medical degree at Stanford, he practiced in Georgetown and gave his services freely to prisoners at the county jail until he was shot under the right eyeball by an escaping prisoner. He carried a lead ball lodged under his brain for the rest of his life. He was superintendent of the county hospital in Georgetown in 1907-1912 and in 1929. He was the first superintendent of the Harborview County Hospital and nursing school and also served as county coroner. During World War I, he commanded a medical battalion that was loaned to the Italian government and served on the Austrian front in the Po River Valley. Nominated by: John B. Corson, his son.
Nominee: Bill Gates What they did: He was studying at Harvard in 1975, on his way to becoming a lawyer like his father, when Paul Allen, a programmer for Honeywell in Boston, saw a Popular Electronics cover article about a crude personal computer. Allen, who had met Gates at Lakeside School in Seattle, chased down Gates, shoved the magazine at him and said, in effect, "I told you so. We're going to miss it." They wound up in New Mexico with a tiny start-up software company called Micro-Soft. Together, they wrote the first software language for the Altair microcomputer. By the time the company became Microsoft and moved to Bellevue in 1978, it had annual sales of more than $1 million. In 2000, the market value of Microsoft was $443 billion and it had more than 20,000 employees. Gates stepped down as Microsoft's chief executive officer in January 2000 but remains chairman and "chief software architect." His net worth is estimated at $58.7 billion. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, which has an asset base of $23.5 billion, spent more than $1 billion on health projects around the world last year. Nominated by: Victoria Jager Kenna
Nominee: Paul Allen What they did: He grew up a middle-class kid in the Ravenna area, but his librarian parents scrimped enough to send him to Lakeside School, where he met Bill Gates. In 1975, he and Gates started Microsoft, a business that has made both of them multi-billionaires and ushered the world into the era of personal computers. He left Microsoft in 1983, but still sits on its board and owns a substantial percentage of its stock. He has invested in a range of business and public ventures, and it is hard to find a part of Northwest life in which Allen is not somehow involved. He owns the Seahawks football team and the Portland Blazers basketball team. It was his idea to replace the Kingdome with an outdoor 72,000-seat football stadium. So was erecting a $100 million-plus interactive rock-'n'-roll museum, the Experience Music Project. He paid for resurrecting Belltown's Cinerama Theatre. He donated $10 million to build a wing on the University of Washington library, where his late father, Kenneth, worked. He is buying property in the South Lake Union area to develop. His waterfront estate is on Mercer Island, but his business interests are worldwide and diverse, from movies and biotechnology to wireless technology and real estate. Nominated by: Victoria Jager Kenna Nominee: Albert Sperry Kerry Sr. (1866-1939) What they did: He founded the Kerry Lumber Company in 1896, but his mill was destroyed by fire in 1897. So he went north to Alaska and operated a sawmill at Lake Bennett. He came back to Seattle in 1899 and started up the Kerry Lumber Company again, helped organize the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, was a director of the Dexter Horton National Bank and was president of the committee that built the Olympic Hotel. He founded the Central Coal Company, which brought coal to the Seattle waterfront, opened the Grand Ridge Mine near Issaquah and started several timber companies in Oregon. In 1927, he donated the land on Queen Anne Hill for Kerry Park, which is across from the home he had built in 1903 at 421 West Highland Drive.
Nominated by: Eric Erickson
Nominee: Henry William Vernon What they did: He arrived in Seattle in 1880 and served as judge and mayor of Ballard, where he had a real-estate office. His family also owner and operated the Palace of Sweets in Pioneer Square and sold lunches, dinners and candies to many of the folks heading to Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush. Nominated by: Margaret G. Ottersbach, granddaughter
Nominee: Elisha P. Ferry What they did: He's best known as the first governor of the state (he also served as governor and surveyor general of the territory), but before he was elected and took office in 1889, he lived in Seattle, practiced law here and was a vice president of the Puget Sound National Bank. Nominated by: Bob Borst
Nominee: Esther Levy What they did: She came to Seattle in 1889 with her husband, Aaron, and three years later she organized, with her daughter, Elizabeth Levy Cooper, the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society to help the city's Jewish poor. More than 100 years later, that organization, which had several name changes, has grown and prospered to become a large professional agency, Jewish Family Service. Its services reflect a blend of concern for welfare and individual counseling. Nominated by: Jacqueline Block Williams Nominee: Marmion Douglas Mills What they did: In the late 1930s, he became the general manager of Seattle Transit (the old municipal railroad). He gained national and international recognition for designing and operating what was considered one of the finest systems in the United States. He was responsible for bringing the Monorail to Seattle for Century 21. He died in 1964. Nominated by: Louise Mills, his daughter, who says he would turn over in his grave if he knew that nothing had been done with the Monorail since it was supposed to eventually go to the airport and to the North end.
Nominee: Frank Cooper What they did: As Seattle Public School superintendent from 1901 to 1922, he is credited with shaping the progressive educational system that was Seattle's Public School District during the era of the city's most explosive growth. Cooper guided the district's development of small neighborhood schools, advocated for a curriculum that incorporated vocational and academic training, art and music for all students, small classes and an emphasis on athletic training and health care for students. Nominated by: Barbara Stenson, who recommends Bryce E. Nelson's 1988 book, "Good Schools: The Seattle Public Schools 1901-1930," as a place to learn more.
Nominee: Henry L. Yesler (1810-1892) What they did: His total education consisted of a few years in a log-cabin school, but when he arrived in Seattle in 1852 he turned the place into a real town instead of a collection of a few houses. Not far from where the King County Courthouse stands today, Yesler built the first steam-powered sawmill on Puget Sound. Suddenly Seattle could churn out, by the thousands, valuable squared timbers. The mill provided the lumber for the first frame houses in the area. Yesler became a powerful and wealthy man, twice serving as mayor. He helped establish the Seattle Water Company and was a partner in the gaslight business that first lit up the streets of the city. Nominated by: Polly Ann Burgert Weston, Yesler's great niece Nominee: Sarah Yesler What they did: Henry Yesler's first wife helped found the library association and the Children's Home and worked for women's suffrage. She was on the committee that helped Asa Mercer bring brides from back East to Seattle's lonely frontiersmen. Nominated by: Ann Burgert Weston
Nominee: Henry Broderick What they did: Arriving in Seattle in 1901 from Minneapolis, he started work as a stenographer for John Davis & Co., a real-estate firm. He soon sold the tide flats where the sports stadiums are now located, thus allowing the railroads to come to Seattle. He started his own real-estate company which became one of the largest on the west coast. He was on many boards of directors, became a friend of saints and sinners, presidents and paupers as well as noted authors, actors and musicians. He was on the board of directors for the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition in 1909, Century 21 in Seattle in 1962 and the Spokane World's Fair in 1974. In 1915, he sold the Perry Hotel to Mother Cabrini who began Columbus Hospital in that building. It was later named Cabrini Hospital after she became the first American saint recognized by the Catholic Church. The commission was to have been $7,500 but Broderick accepted a set of glass rosary beads, worth 35 cents, as his commission. Nominated by: Bill Gannon
Nominee: Joseph A. Vance What they did: Leveraging the success of the Vance Lumber Company (of Thurston County) at the turn of the century, Joseph Vance and his family moved north to Seattle in the 1920's. Over the next 60 years, Vance and his descendants were among the leaders in developing the Westlake area, with the Vance, Camlin and Roosevelt Hotels, plus the Joseph Vance Building, Tower Building, Lloyd Building and Plaza 600 Building all being built or acquired by The Vance Corporation. Vance was generally regarded as a shrewd but civic-minded business man. Nominated by: Vance Clipson Nominee: Otto Ranke What they did: Otto Ranke (1842-1892) was a contractor for some of the finest buildings here including the Ranke Building (on the site of his first home) and the family's second home at the southeast corner of Madison Street and Terry Avenue in 1890. He erected the first federal prison on McNeil Island and many business buildings. Otto and his wife Dora ran the Pike Street Theater in the Ranke Hall and both entertained the audiences with their singing. The Ranke Building is still in the family to this day. Nominated by: Karen Eckhart, great great granddaughter Nominee: Charles Trager What they did: Charles Trager was the founder of Trager Manufacturing, a company that made gloves, aprons and bags for Yukon prospectors in the 1920's. In 1929, he brought Trapper Nelson's Indian Packboard (the world's first external-frame backpack) to the mass-market. This was a huge step in the birth of the outdoor recreation market and helped give birth to other camping supply companies such as REI, Jansport, THAW and Eddie Bauer. Trager Mfg. is still in business today. Nominated by: Rick Trager Nominee: Cecilia Schultz What they did: In 1935, she took over management of the Moore Theater and, as a local impresario, brought many quality people and productions to Seattle from Rachmaninoff concerts to performances by the Ballet Russe before there was much else besides the Seattle Symphony. This helped establish Seattle's enjoyment and tradition of quality fine arts. Nominated by: Karen Janes who says her mother remembers the snobbery of Lily Pons "singing for us hicks here in Seattle, and still wonders if she noticed that at least half the audience left at intermission Seattle's tradition of politeness goes back a long way."
Nominee: John Harte McGraw What they did: As the second governor of Washington state, he was instrumental in getting federal money for construction of the Ship Canal. He was a principal organizer and officer of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and a president of the First National Bank. But his great-great grandson has his own view on McGraw's most important contribution: "His daughter, who lived to 97, told me at every chance until her death when I was about 13, that the greatest thing John Harte McGraw did for Seattle was to protect the Chinese Americans from the posse that would have forced them to leave... . He risked his life and ruined his early career as Sheriff. But today we can see, feel, taste and experience the cultures of our International District throughout Seattle." McGraw was sheriff on Feb. 6, 1886, when a mob brought 350 Chinese to the docks to be loaded on ships and taken to California. Eventually, it was determined that 196 voluntarily elected to leave town. As McGraw and his men tried to escort the others to their homes, fighting broke out with an anti-Chinese mob and five men were wounded. McGraw lost his job in the next election. Nominated by: Scott Pattison, great-great grandson
Nominee: Reginald H. Thomson What they did: He became Seattle's city engineer in 1892 and set about leveling hills, straightening and dredging waterways, paving roads and building sewers, sidewalks, tunnels, and bridges. He was instrumental in creating the Cedar River watershed, Seattle City Light, the Port of Seattle, and the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks. He started the efforts that made turned Denny Hill into the Denny Regrade, removed 12 million cubic yards of earth and give Seattle 92 more acres of level land than it had before 1892. Nominated by: Alan Stein
Nominee: Holgate and Hanford families What they did: The Holgate and Hanford families had early land claims in Seattle. Milton Holgate was one of two people killed in the Battle of Seattle on Jan. 25, 1856. Corneilus Holgate Hanford was the last chief justice of the Territorial Supreme Court, a United States Attorney and federal judge and established the town of Hanford. Nominated by: Donald Hanford
Nominee: Harry Whitney Treat What they did: He was a Wall Street financier who became the richest person in Seattle when he arrived in 1904. His financial backing of the Alaskan-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909 may have saved it from going under. The property he bought north of Ballard for stables and real-estate development eventually became Loyal Heights (named after one of his daughters. He also donated Golden Gardens Park to the city. He had the Gable House at 1 West Highland Drive on Queen Anne Hill built to match his lifestyle and entertain friends including John Barrymore and William "Buffalo Bill" Cody. He died in 1922. The house was converted to residential suites in 1974.
Nominated by: Flora Ninelles
Nominee: John T. McPherson (1866-1944) What they did: He brought his parents, grandmother and several other family members to Seattle in 1888. That same year he got the contract to clear and build the rights of way east and west from Summit Avenue to Lake Washington for all streets. He owned the first pile driver in Seattle and founded the Seattle Bridge Co. One of his biggest contracts was filling in the Interbay area connecting Magnolia to Queen Anne Hill. Nominated by: Keith Birkenfeld, a great-grandson.
Nominee: Father Modeste DeMers (1809-1871) What they did: He was invited to Seattle in 1852 by Arthur Denny to celebrate Mass, even though all members of the Denny Party were Protestant. The Mass was the first Christian service held in Seattle and took place in the cookhouse of H.L Yesler's unfinished sawmill. Although the settlers didn't share DeMers' brand of Christianity, most of the Suquamish and Duwamish, including Chief Seattle, had been baptized Catholic before the Denny Party arrived. Nominated by: Gabriel Sheridan, whose great-great-grandmother was DeMers' sister. Nominee: John Howard Powell (1866-1930) What they did: Practiced law in Seattle starting in 1892. Elected to the Washington state legislature in 1897 and appointed a regent of the University of Washington in 1902. Instrumental in drawing up the Metropolitan Lease on the university's downtown property. Nominated by: Jane Powell Thomas, granddaughter.
Nominee: George Van Tuyl Powell (1910-1996) What they did: Practiced law in Seattle starting in 1935. During World War II, served on the local Ration Board, with an ambulance unit and in the U.S. Navy. Served three terms in the state Legislature and in 1965 was appointed regent of the University of Washington. Nominated by: Jane Powell Thomas, daughter. Nominee: Rev. George Frederick Whitworth (1816-1907) What they did: Founded First Presbyterian Church of Seattle in 1869. President of Washington Territorial University (now University of Washington) in 1865-66 and 1874-76. Also served as regent. Surveyor for King County and Seattle. Founder of Sumner Academy (1883) which became Whitworth College in 1890. Nominated by: Jean W. Peck, great granddaughter Nominee: William L. Dwyer What they did: As an attorney defended John and Sally Goldmark from the "McCarthy-like" attacks on them for being "un-American." Acting for the City of Seattle, successfully sued the American Baseball League for illegally moving the Seattle Pilots baseball team from Seattle. Acting for King County, sued MacDonald Construction for breach of contract on the Kingdome. Now a federal judge. Nominated by: David Stroud Nominee: Ruby Chow What they did: Since 1949, worked on promoting better relationships and understanding between the Chinese American community and society at large. Spearheaded the campaign of Wing Luke, the first Asian American elected to office in Seattle (City Council). Also worked on campaigns of Warren Chan and Liem Tuai before winning a seat on the King County Council herself. Organized a group that met with the Seattle Schools superintendent to start the Transitional Bilingual Education program (1974) and started Chinese cultural programs in schools. Nominated by: Betty Lau Nominee: Galen K. Thomaier What they did: Starting in 1969, began purchasing from the Seattle Fire Department vintage fire apparatus and now has a fleet of 18 fire trucks that appear in parades and community events. Also takes them to children's birthday parties for rides and fire-safety talks that have educated hundreds of kids about fire prevention. Seattle Firefighter of the Year in 1988 and was nominated for National Firefighter of the Year in 1989. Serves as the department's historian and curator. Nominated by: Jim Stevenson Nominee: Glenn Hughes What they did: He was at the University of Washington School of Drama from 1930 to 1961, and created the Department of Creative Drama. Built the Arena and Showboat Theaters and later purchased the Playhouse. For children's theater productions and instruction, he employed Ruth Prins (later Wunda Wunda). In the Seattle Centennial Celebration he wrote and produced the official play, "The Dream and The Deed." Nominated by: Helen Martin Felton, M.A., UW Drama, 1952 Nominee: Father Raymond Talbott What they did: Chaplain in the U.S. Army in Europe in World War II. Assigned to St. James Cathedral in Seattle in the late 1960s. Concerned about the plight of homeless Indians in the downtown area, he began to look for a way "to soften the misery." He wrote: "Daily vigilance paid off when I spied two vacant storefronts in the St. Vincent de Paul building and moved as quickly and unobtrusively as possible. In no time at all I had a soup kitchen rigged around an old wood stove in one of the storefronts." That was the first of many locations for the Chief Seattle Club, which now rents space from the Lazarus Center at Second Avenue and Yesler Way. It provides breakfast for about 100 people every day, laundry and shower facilities, counseling and nursing care. Father Talbott died in 1999. Nominated by: Patrick Bennett Nominee: Gordon Hirabayashi What they did: Gordon Hirabayashi was a Japanese American student at the University of Washington who refused to obey a curfew order for all persons of Japanese descent on the West Coast after the U.S. declared war on Japan in 1941. Later, he refused to be interned with the rest of the Japanese Americans when he was ordered to report for evacuation. He was arrested and found guilty, but later appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which upheld his conviction. Forty-four years later, a federal judge in Seattle vacated his convictions. He stood up for his principles and showed that it's never too late to redress wrongs. Nominated by: Ed Suguro
Nominee: Dr. David Swinson Maynard What they did: First physician in Seattle. Also traded fish and lumber and other goods extensively with San Francisco. His real-estate transactions established the commerce of early Seattle. A close friend of Chief Seattle, he was the Indian Affairs representative for the area. Located rich fields of bituminous coal for the area. His influence helped create the border between Oregon and Washington. Nominated by: William Spaulding
Nominee: Thomas Mercer What they did: Arrived in Seattle in 1853 and settled at what would become the corner of Roy and Taylor Streets. Arthur Denny says he brought the first wagon to Seattle "at a time there was not a rod of road on which to run it." Eventually there were roads built to his claim on the south side of Queen Anne Hill and he became a mover and hauler in town. Nominated by: Kathleen Johnsen Nominee: Asa Shinn Mercer What they did: Nephew of Thomas Mercer, he is probably best known for his attempts to recruit single women to Seattle, where there were 10 men for every woman. He was also the first president of the University of Washington. Nominated by: Kathleen Johnsen and Peri Muhich Nominee: Loggers What they did: When white men first came to the area it took a long time to travel between Tacoma and Seattle. The trees were felled and travel became a lot easier. Nominated by: Greg Day |
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