Originally published Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 8:19 PM
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Wash. Senate approves changes tied to cop slayings
The state Senate has endorsed a package of legal changes, including a proposed constitutional amendment, in response to last fall's murder of four Lakewood police officers.
Associated Press Writer
The state Senate has endorsed a package of legal changes, including a proposed constitutional amendment, in response to last fall's murder of four Lakewood police officers.
The proposed amendment would allow judges to deny bail for people charged with crimes that carry a mandatory sentence of life without parole. Right now, the constitution only lets judges deny bail for people charged with capital murder.
The shooter in the Lakewood case had posted bail less than a week before the slayings.
Legislators aren't finished debating the constitutional amendment yet. Whatever version they settle on will also have to be approved by voters in November.
Several other bills endorsed Thursday night were also spurred by the Lakewood police shootings, including one that would strengthen the punishment for aiding a criminal.
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