Originally published Sunday, November 18, 2007 at 12:00 AM
A holiday party already? Get back!
Crazyberry alert! Apparently you don't have to wait until after Thanksgiving to throw holiday parties anymore. The first big bash of Holiday...
Seattle Times columnist
Crazyberry alert! Apparently you don't have to wait until after Thanksgiving to throw holiday parties anymore. The first big bash of Holiday 2007 in Seattle happened last Thursday at the Edgewater Hotel. Big-time ad agency HL2 (clients include Amazon, Microsoft, Seattle's Best Coffee) went with a Beatles theme this year. "We always used to have our party at the end of the first week of December, but even then we found that people were overcaffeinated," said co-founder Tom Horton. "This year we were either going to do it the 15th or we were going to do it in January." It is yet to be confirmed which partner had to go as Ringo. ...
SEATTLE'S GAY BINGO just got approximately 7 feet less gay with the abrupt split between Lifelong AIDS Alliance and its longtime bingo hostess, the towering Seattle drag queen Glamazonia. Word is Glam got dumped after stalled contract negotiations. ...
RED IS SO LAST SEASON at Barneys New York, where Rudolph the Recycled Reindeer is presiding over an all-green holiday. He's 8 feet tall (if you count the antlers) and made entirely of recycled bottle caps and soda cans collected by Barneys employees. "Our sales staff had a competition," said display manager Jodi Davis. And what did they win? "What everybody loves to win: a Barneys gift card." Ho ho ho. That's Santa laughing. ...
MACY'S HOLIDAY STAR turns 50 this year. It has 3,600 light bulbs and stands 161 feet high, so Rudolph the Green-Nosed Reindeer can suck it!...
GAME ON AT the new DSW Shoes store at Northgate Mall, which has installed an ESPN Zone with flatscreen TVs and leather chairs for guys whose girlfriends drag them shoe-shopping. In related news: Apparently there are girls out there who don't have to hide their new purchases in the closet from disapproving boyfriends. ...
THEY WORE WHITE after Labor Day at the Outdoors for All Snow Ball & White-Out Gala at the Sheraton last weekend, which raised nearly $500,000 to help kids and adults with disabilities. But why quibble over fashion faux pas when 600-plus people show up for a black-tie dinner in togas, tennis whites and karate robes? ...
WILL OCCASIONAL SEATTLEITE Trey Parker show up in South Park on Dec. 1 for its annual "Art Under $100" sale? Probably not, since he wasn't invited. But here's another reason to check out what's happening at the cute little old firehouse (www.southparkarts.org), courtesy of South Park Arts chair Wendy Woldenberg: "When finished shopping, it's fun to hit one of the yummy Mexican restaurants in downtown South Park for margaritas and chile rellenos." As Cartman would say: Sweet! ...
A MESSAGE FROM THE TACOMA RAINIERS: "Are you planning a special event or meeting and looking for someone new and exciting to be a guest speaker at no cost? Well guess what, the Rainiers have just the person." (Inner monologue: WHO IS IT? IS IT NICK LACHEY??) It's not. ...
ALMOST CELEBRITY SIGHTINGS: Billy Joel attempting to be incognito in a baseball cap while lunching at the Met, despite autograph hounds waiting outside ... Robert Redford or a Robert Redford lookalike crossing Sixth Avenue downtown near Pacific Place. Then again, as a friend points out: "There are actually a lot of guys who look like Robert Redford walking around Seattle. As in, older guys who didn't think they needed to moisturize, and are now regretting it."
Pamela Sitt: 206-464-2376 or psitt@seattletimes.com
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