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November 29, 2009 at 2:11 PM

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A most heinous attack

Posted by Joni Balter

The Northwest is aghast and alarmed. A gunman walked into a coffee shop Sunday morning and opened fire, killing four Lakewood police officers.
The motive is unclear but one thing is certain: No civilized society can allow unabashed murderers to declare open season on the very people hired to protect the community.
State Attorney General Rob McKenna referred to the execution-style slayings of one female and three male officers as assassinations. Whatever the term, this brutal act of violence sends shivers through the Puget Sound region.
Less than a month ago, another individual drove up to a Seattle police car and opened fire on two officers in a police car, taking the life of Police Officer Timothy Brenton. This has been described as an ideological killing. Brenton was shot because he was a police officer.
What on earth is going on?
As McKenna said, "This ourtageous act of violence against our brave protectors is a direct assault on the safety of our entire community.''
How excruciatingly sad for the police community and the residents of the entire Puget Sound region who rely on police officers for protection.
A community grieves and feels an enormous loss.

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