Sunday, June 14, 2009 - Page updated at 12:07 a.m.
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's journey of discovery, both painful and healing
In August, 2003, state contractors building a dry dock on the Port Angeles waterfront inadvertently unearthed one of the largest, oldest Indian villages ever found in the Pacific Northwest.
Within days, the first of many human remains were disturbed, beginning a controversy that would engulf the region. More than 300 intact burials were unearthed, and some 10,000 artifacts were recovered from the site.
Seattle Times reporter Lynda V. Mapes interviewed many of the tribal elders about their lives, their tribe's history, and their experiences surrounding the findings. Read more at "Unearthing Tse-whit-zen" or read an excerpt from Mapes' new book, "Breaking Ground".
More interviews, including an unedited 2005 interview with Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe elders here.
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